Christian Dupuis

Christian Dupuis

Blog posts by Christian Dupuis

Using Cloud Foundry from STS

Engineering | April 13, 2011 | ...

By now you probably heard about Cloud Foundry, the open PaaS from VMware that was announced yesterday; if not make sure to check out the recording of the webcast. Eventually you have already read earlier blog posts introducing the Spring support for Cloud Foundry, the add-on for Spring Roo and the Grails plug-in.

With this post I’d like to introduce the Eclipse-based support for Cloud Foundry that lets you manage your cloud deployments, including configuration of Services and service bindings, application scaling, access to file resources and much more.

Installing the Cloud Foundry for Eclipse and STS

There are three options to install the Cloud Foundry plugin into SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) and plain Eclipse. I will go through those options step-by-step in order to help you get started quickly.

Installing through the STS Extension Install

Probably the easiest way to get started with the Cloud Foundry plugin is by installing it into a pre-installed copy of STS. You should have at least version 2.5.1.RELEASE installed; 2.6.1.SR1 is better. STS for various supported operating systems can be found on the download page.

Within STS select “Help > Dashboard…

SpringSource Tool Suite 2.6.0.M1 Released

Releases | January 28, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We're pleased to announce that we just released the first milestone build for the next release of the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS).

Some highlights from this milestone build:

  • Content-Assist and Quickfixes for @Autowired and @Qualifer
  • Content-Assist in @RequestMapping for path variables
  • Updated Spring Project Wizard
  • RequestMappings from ITDs now in Spring Explorer and RequestMapping-View
  • Improved content assist performance for Groovy
  • Improved syntax highlighting for Groovy
More details on new features and bug fixes can be found in the 2.6.0.M1 New and Noteworthy document. Detailed installation instructions are also available.

As always downloads are available from the STS download page, check "Other Downloads".

SpringSource Tool Suite 2.5.2 Released

Releases | January 11, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community

I'm pleased to announce that we just released SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) 2.5.2.RELEASE.

Some highlights from the new release:

  • Support for Spring Roo 1.1.1.RELEASE
  • Easy creation of new tc Server instances
  • Improved graphical Spring Web Flow editor
  • Agent-based reloading (experimental)
  • A large number of improvements to the Spring and Groovy/Grails tooling
  • Integration of Spring User Agent Analysis (UAA)

More details on new features and bug fixes can be found in the New and Noteworthy document. Detailed installation instructions are also available.

As always downloads are available from the STS Download page. Feel free to stop by the community support forum if you have any question or issue.

SpringSource Tool Suite 2.5.1 released

Releases | November 12, 2010 | ...

Dear Spring Community

I'm pleased to announce that we just released SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) 2.5.1.RELEASE.

Some highlights from the new release:

  • New features to make Spring Roo 1.1.0.RELEASE even more powerful
  • Support for tc Server 2.1 incl. Spring Insight
  • Grails projects can now be deployed directly to tc Server from within STS; just drag the app onto the server and make sure to fire up the new Spring Insight to profile your application
  • Enhancements for debugging Groovy code
  • JDT weaving is enabled by default

More details on new features and bug fixes can be found in the New and Noteworthy document. Detailed installation instructions are also available.

As always downloads are available from the STS download page. Feel free to stop by the community support forum if you have any question or issue.

SpringSource Tool Suite 2.5.0.RC1 released

Releases | October 15, 2010 | ...

SpringSource has just released a new milestone version of SpringSource Tool Suite: 2.5.0.RC1. STS provides the best Eclipse-powered development environment for building Spring and Grails powered enterprise applications.

The release comes only a few hours after we pushed Spring Roo 1.1.0.RC1. STS 2.5.0.RC1 certainly supports the new Roo version and comes with lots of improvements in the Roo and GWT support.

This is also the first time we are providing bundles based on Eclipse 3.6.1. If you aren't quite ready to try the cutting edge milestone release, then you can always download the 2.3.…

STS on Eclipse 3.6

Engineering | July 01, 2010 | ...

Last week the Eclipse Foundation released the much anticipated next version of Eclipse. You can download Eclipse 3.6 aka Helios from SpringSource's member distribution page. Also check out the New & Noteworthy for this release.

The Tools Team at SpringSource has been busy updating our developer tools to support Eclipse 3.6 and while we haven't released a new version of SpringSource Tool Suite that builds on and bundles 3.6 yet, users can now install STS on top of Eclipse 3.6.

Detailed steps to install STS from our nightly update sites can be found in the installation instructions. Please…

Using SpringSource Tool Suite 2.3.3.M1 with Roo and GWT

Engineering | June 02, 2010 | ...

By now, most of you probably have heard about the announcements at Google I/O around Spring, Roo, STS and GWT. Ben and Rod covered this in their respective blog posts recently. If you missed the keynote I strongly recommend to watch the recording on YouTube to catch up (the relevant section starts at 1:09:00 into the recording).

Today I'd like to provide some detailed steps and instructions on how you can use Roo and STS to create your first GWT application.


Before we can fire up the Roo shell and start typing commands, we need to download and install all pre-requisites. Although a lot of…

Groovy-Eclipse 2.0.0 Released

Releases | January 15, 2010 | ...

At the start of May 2009 we announced we were working on a new approach to joint compilation for mixed Java/Groovy projects in Eclipse. We are pleased to now announce the final release of Groovy-Eclipse v2.0.0, based on that new technology. During the months of development we have rebased (and almost entirely rewritten) version 1 of the Groovy-Eclipse plugin, with the goal of offering first class Groovy support in the Eclipse IDE, comparable to the experience Java developers have in Eclipse.

The most important new features that Groovy-Eclipse 2.0.0 provides are:

  • a new approach to compiling joint Groovy-Java code that does not require a stub compiler
  • advanced and extensible content assist
  • vast speed and memory improvements over previous releases
  • debug support
  • deep integration with the Java Development tools

Also, over 380 bugs have been…

Update on Groovy and Grails Tools

Engineering | August 27, 2009 | ...

Since Andy's announcement of the early alpha version of a new and improved Groovy Eclipse plugin, we have received very good feedback from early adopters out of the Groovy and Grails community. Judging from comments and twitter buzz there really is a big interest in good quality Groovy language support on the Eclipse platform. Andy and Andrew made good progress during the last weeks and are heading towards an M1 release which is not far off; check out JIRA for more details on when to expect it.

We'd like to thank everybody who tried out the early version and took time to report problems and…

SpringSource Tool Suite 2.1.0 Now Available

Engineering | August 06, 2009 | ...

I'm happy to announce that we just released the final version of SpringSource Tool Suite 2.1.0; the first GA version with major enhancements since making STS freely available.

The release comes with brand-new installers for all supported platforms and bundles latest versions of SpringSource tc and dm Server as well as Spring Roo. Additionally you can choose between distributions based on Eclipse 3.4 and the recently released 3.5 aka Eclipse Galileo.

Because we've seen lots of interest in the new Groovy tools we also offer a bundled download of STS and the Groovy Eclipse Plugin.


The list of new features in STS is long and we already covered some of them in previous blog posts. Review the New & Noteworthy

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