Dave Syer

Dave Syer

Founder of Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, lead of Spring Security OAuth, and an active contributor to Spring Integration, Spring Framework, Spring AMQP, Spring Security. Experienced, delivery-focused architect and development manager. Has designed and built successful enterprise software solutions using Spring, and implemented them in major institutions worldwide.

Blog posts by Dave Syer

Spring gRPC 0.5.0 available now

Releases | March 10, 2025 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I'm happy to announce that Spring gRPC 0.5.0 has been released and is now available from Maven Central.

This release includes features, bug fixes, documentation improvements, and dependency upgrades. Thanks to all those who have contributed with issue reports and pull requests.

How can you help?

If you're interested in helping out, check out the open issues. If you have general questions, please ask on Stack Overflow using the spring-grpc tag.

GitHub | Issues | Documentation | Stack Overflow

Spring gRPC 0.3.0 released

Releases | January 17, 2025 | ...

The experimental Spring gRPC project released its 0.3.0 version recently. Jars are available in Maven Central, and you can generate a new project with Spring gRPC at https://start.spring.io. We recommend you do that if you are trying it out because there are some build plugins to configure and the generated project will have that all sorted out for you.

The new release has some updates to factory interfaces on the client side. Also there is now full support for autoconfiguration of client side interceptors, including the ones from Micrometer. On the server side we now support Spring Security…

Reflectionless Templates With Spring

Engineering | March 22, 2024 | ...

A few Java libraries have shown up recently that use text templates, but compile to Java classes at build time. They can thus claim to some extent to be "reflection free". Together with potential benefits of runtime performance, they promise to be easy to use and integrate with GraalVM native image compilation, so they are quite interesting for people just getting started with that stack in Spring Boot 3.x. We take a look at a selection of libraries (JStachio, Rocker, JTE and ManTL) and how to get them running.

The source code for the samples is in GitHub and each template engine has its own…

Hypermedia and Browser Enhancement

Engineering | March 15, 2024 | ...

Front end development these days is dominated by large JavaScript client side frameworks. There are plenty of good reasons for that, but it can be very inefficient for many use cases, and the framework engineering has become extremely complex. In this article, I want to explore a different approach, one that is more efficient and more flexible, built from smaller building blocks, and well-suited to server side application frameworks like Spring (or similar tools in a range of server side languages). The idea is to embrace the concept of hypermedia, imagine how a next-generation browser would…

Client Side Development with Spring Boot Applications - Part 2

Engineering | December 17, 2021 | ...

Part 1

Plain Javascript with SSE Stream

Vue isn’t really adding a lot of value in this simple HTML replacement use case, and it would add no value at all to the SSE example, so we will go ahead and implement that in vanilla Javascript. Here’s a stream tab:

<div class="tab-pane fade" id="stream" role="tabpanel">
	<div class="container">
		<div id="load"></div>

and some Javascript to populate it:

<script type="module">
	var events = new EventSource("/stream");
	events.onmessage = e => {
		document.getElementById("load").innerHTML = e.data;

Dynamic Content with React

Client Side Development with Spring Boot Applications

Engineering | December 17, 2021 | ...

This article explores the different options that Spring Boot developers have for using Javascript and CSS on the client (browser) side of their application. Part of the plan is to explore some Javascript libraries that play well in the traditional server-side-rendered world of Spring web applications. Those libraries tend to have a light touch for the application developer, in the sense that they allow you to completely avoid Javascript, but still have nice a progressive "modern" UI. We also look at some more "pure" Javascript tools and frameworks. It’s kind of a spectrum, so as a TL;DR here…

"Wiremock" for RSocket

Engineering | June 02, 2021 | ...

If you have an application that connects to an RSocket server at runtime, how do you test it? We need a way for a test to start a server and tell us where it is listening, and then we need to be able to register request and response examples (a.k.a. "contracts"). That’s what this project provides - it’s like Wiremock but for RSocket.

Getting Started

The easiest way to use the project is as a JUnit (Jupiter) extension, e.g:

class SocketsApplicationTests {

With this extension installed the Spring Boot tests will run with an RSocket server listening on a port given by test.rsocket.server.port, so the test can connect directly to it, or (more likely) the code that it is testing will connect to it. You might need to tell it where to connect via the @SpringBootTest annotation, e.g. if the application is looking for a property at runtime called rsocket.port

Spring Cloud Function Native Images

Engineering | May 04, 2020 | ...

Here's the latest graph of memory versus billing for Spring Cloud Function on AWS Lambda. It shows the billing metric GBsec as a function of memory allocation in Lambda for two custom runtimes, one in plain Java and one using a GraalVM native image, as described recently in this blog by Andy Clement:


In both cases the functionality is identical (a simple POJO-POJO function), and they both show only the results for cold start. Warm starts, where the function was already active when the request came in, were much faster and cheaper (except for the smallest memory setting they all cost the same…

Manual Bean Definitions in Spring Boot

Engineering | January 21, 2019 | ...

Suppose you want to use Spring Boot, but you don’t want to @EnableAutoConfiguration. What should you do exactly? In an earlier article I showed that Spring is intrinsically fast and lightweight, but one of the short pieces of advice improve startup time was to consider manually importing the Spring Boot autoconfigurations, instead of sucking them all in automatically. It won’t be the right thing to do for all applications, but it might help, and it certainly won’t hurt to understand what the options are. In this piece we explore various ways of doing manual configuration and assess their…

How Fast is Spring?

Engineering | December 12, 2018 | ...

Performance has always been one of the top priorities of the Spring Engineering team, and we are continually monitoring and responding to changes and to feedback. Some fairly intense and precise work has been done recently (in the last 2-3 years) and this article is here to help you to find the results of that work and to learn how to measure and improve performance in your own applications. The headline is that Spring Boot 2.1 and Spring 5.1 have some quite nice optimizations for startup time and heap usage. Here’s a graph made by measuring startup time for heap constrained apps:


As you…

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