Guillaume Laforge

Guillaume Laforge

Blog posts by Guillaume Laforge

Groovy 2.3 Released

Releases | May 07, 2014 | ...

The Groovy development team is pleased to announce the release of Groovy 2.3.0!

Groovy 2.3 is the new major release of the Groovy programming language for the JVM, featuring:

  • official support for running Groovy on JDK 8
  • a new trait keyword to define new units of code for composing behaviors
  • new and improved compile-time code transformations like:
    • @TailRecursive: for transforming methods with tail recursion to avoid blowing the stack,
    • @Builder: to easily implement fluent builders, generated by the Groovy compiler itself
    • @Sortable: to transform a class to implement Comparable using the various properties of the class
  • a new NIO2 module with Path support
  • lightening fast JSON parsing and building as covered in the recent article on InfoQ
  • closure parameter type inference

Groovy 2.1 released

Engineering | January 25, 2013 | ...

The Groovy team is pleased to announce the release of Groovy 2.1.0.

With over 1.7 million downloads in 2012, a strong ecosystem of successful projects like Grails, Gradle, Spock or Griffon built on Groovy, the Groovy programming language continues its development and adoption, refines existing features and evolves new ones.

In this new release, Groovy 2.1:

  • offers full support for the JDK 7 “invoke dynamic” bytecode instruction and API,
  • goes beyond conventional static type checking capabilities with a special annotation to assist with documentation and type safety of Domain-Specific Languages and adds static type checker extensions,
  • provides additional compilation customization options,
  • features a meta-annotation facility for combining annotations elegantly,
  • and provides various other enhancements and minor improvements.

Please read all the details about the new features and improvements in the Groovy 2.1 release notes document.

You can download Groovy 2.1.0 from the Download area, and have a look at the JIRA tickets we worked on.

The Groovy team is looking…

Groovy 2.0 released

Engineering | July 02, 2012 | ...

The Groovy development team and SpringSource are happy to echo the announcement of the release of Groovy 2.0, the highly popular dynamic language for the Java platform. The key highlights of this important milestone are:

  • a static type checker to let the compiler tell you about the correctness of your code,
  • static compilation for the performance of the critical parts of your application,
  • modularity, splitting the Groovy JAR into smaller feature-oriented JARs and letting you create your own extension modules,
  • JDK 7 Project Coin syntax enhancements, so that Groovy is still as friendly as possible with its Java cousin,
  • and JDK 7 Invoke Dynamic integration to benefit from the dynamic languages support of the JVM.
To learn more about all those great new features, please read the Groovy 2.0 article on InfoQ that I’ve written, detailing and explaining all those novelties.

To download Groovy 2.0, go to the download area of the Groovy website.

For further information on all the JIRA issues fixed in this release and the various betas and release candidates, you can have a look at the JIRA changelog.

We’d like to thank all our users, all the contributors and committers who made this important release a reality, thanks to their feedback, their…

Groovy 1.7 released

Engineering | December 22, 2009 | ...

The Groovy development team and SpringSource are very pleased to announce the final release of Groovy 1.7, the most popular and successful dynamic language for the JVM! After two betas and two release candidates, we're are happy to deliver this new and very important milestone to our ever-growing user base.

Over the years, the Groovy project has managed to grow a community, but not only that, a very rich and active ecosystem of Groovy-related projects: the Grails web stack, the Griffon swing application framework, the Gant and Gradle build solutions, the Gaelyk lightweight toolkit for Google App Engine, the Gpars parallel system, the Spock testing frameworks and the GMock mocking library, the CodeNarc and GMetrics quality tools, and many more! With all…

Write your Google App Engine applications in Groovy

Engineering | April 08, 2009 | ...

[caption id="attachment_1577" align="alignright" width="250" caption="Google App Engine Groovy"]Google App Engine Groovy[/caption]

Google just announced that their Google App Engine cloud hosting platform now supports other languages than Python: namely Java and Groovy!

You can now effectively write your Google App Engine applications in Groovy!

A couple of weeks ago, the SpringSource Groovy team and the Google App Engine Java team worked together, hand in hand, to iron out the details, to ensure that the popular and award-winning Groovy dynamic language for the JVM would run well on this exciting platform. After having created together some patches for Groovy, in the area of constrained and strict security manager policies, the Groovy development team integrated these patches and released the updated Groovy 1.6.1 version in line for the D-Day…

Groovy 1.6 released under the SpringSource umbrella

Engineering | March 04, 2009 | ...

I'm very pleased to report here the very recent release of Groovy 1.6, which happened under the SpringSource umbrella, since the acquisition of G2One by SpringSource.

Groovy dynamic language for the JVMGroovy 1.6 is a very important milestone for the project, bringing tremendous performance improvements making Groovy the fastest dynamic language for the JVM, as well as several new powerful features adding more weapons to your dynamic language arsenal.

In particular, beyond the usual bug fixes and minor enhancements, let me mention the following novelties:

  • multiple assignments
  • optional return in if/else and try/catch blocks
  • AST transformations and all the provided transformation annotations like @Bindable, @Vetoable, @Singleton, @Lazy, @Immutable, @Delegate, @Category, @Mixin and @Newify
  • the Grape module and dependency system and its @Grab transformation
  • various Swing builder improvements, thanks to the Swing / Griffon team
  • as well as several Swing console improvements
  • the integration of JMX builder
  • JSR-223 scripting engine built-in
  • various metaprogramming improvements, like the ExpandoMetaClass Domain-Specific Language, per-instance metaclasses even for POJOs, and runtime mixins
  • OSGi readiness with the Groovy JAR being a full-blown OSGi bundle
A very detailed article on InfoQ, entitled "What's new in Groovy 1.6?", delves into all these new features and enhancements, with code samples and explanations.

If you wish to learn more about Groovy, and in particular Groovy 1.6, you should definitely consider attending SpringOne Europe, in April, where sessions on Groovy and Graills

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