Iwein Fuld

Blog posts by Iwein Fuld

Messaging meets OSGi at OSGi DevCon Europe

Engineering | June 23, 2009 | ...

Yesterday I was speaking at OSGi DevCon Europe about using Spring Integration and dm Server to tackle common problems in large applications in a pragmatic way. Before and after my session I talked to various people that liked to have a little more information about these ideas. This blog will give an overview of what I talked about.

I'll jump right in with a summary of the presentation.

Any project will grow during its lifetime of active development. Usually developers add features and fix problems raised by the product owners by adding code. This process will naturally grow the code base…

Spring Integration on dm Server

Engineering | February 27, 2009 | ...


In this blog post I will show you how to create a loosely coupled and scalable application with Spring Integration and dm Server. The added benefit of using OSGi will allow us to change the behavior of the application at runtime and of course we're going to have some fun with that too. First I will quickly highlight the reasons for designing an application for concurrent use, then I will describe different strategies of integrating OSGi bundles with Messaging. Along the way you will get a glimpse of our tooling and some of the dm Server features. You should be able to do this yourself, if you…

Implementing Enterprise Integration Patterns part 0

Engineering | May 19, 2008 | ...

After my talk on Spring Integration I've been getting quite some questions on clarification and samples. To meet the demand I will start a small series on implementing different integration patterns using Spring Integration. This first article will focus on the basics. It will show you how to get up and running and walk through one of the samples.

If you never heard about Spring Integration before it might be a good idea to familiarize yourself with it reading the introductory blog Mark Fisher wrote about it or by browsing the project website. In general

Let me start with a disclaimer: the…

Enabling Test Driven Development in GWT client code

Engineering | February 19, 2008 | ...

In the past months I've been working with various clients on projects using Google Web Toolkit [GWT]. I like GWT primarily because of the Java to javascript compiler. This is the key to the door letting mere mortal Java developers create RIA's without having to learn a new language.

I've allways been a fan of test driven development, and to my disappointment at first sight it looked like TDD and GWT were not going to play together.

Testing GWT code is a bit problematic. The core of the problem is that GWT code is compiled to javascript before it is run. In many cases a GWT.create() statement…

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