Neelan Choksi

Blog posts by Neelan Choksi

Gartner Nails It on Innovation and Disruption

Engineering | October 11, 2007 | ...

At last month's Gartner Open Source conference, analysts declared that open source had permeated a significant amount of the global software market. The details were highlighted in a recent Matt Asay blog that quotes the eWeek article. eWeek writes: “open-source products accounted for a 13 percent share of the $92.7 billion software market in 2006, but should account for 27 percent of the market in 2011 when revenue is expected to be $169.2 billion.”

At the same time, Gartner analysts Massimo Pezzini and Yefim Natis have published a report highlighting an important vein of disruption currently underway in the middleware and transaction processing markets. The September 24, 2007 report, titled “Trends in Platform Middleware: Disruption is in Sight,” highlights more than a dozen trends that “will disrupt the apparently static application server and transaction processing markets” and warns that…

NY Java SIG Overflows

Engineering | March 28, 2007 | ...

Every so often I get to experience something pretty amazing about the popularity of Spring, Interface21, and our people.

Last night was one of those such moments. Rod spoke at the NY Java SIG in Manhattan. Long time NY Java SIG coordinator Frank Greco sent out an email announcing the Java SIG late on a Sunday night about two weeks ago. By Monday morning at around 9am the event had hit a maximum number of registrations of 300 (the conference room at Google gets trouble from the fire codes when they exceed 260). Effectively the Java SIG had sold out in about a business hour. I think with…

Interface21 / Spring at Oracle OpenWorld 2006

Engineering | October 23, 2006 | ...

Rod and I are here in San Francisco at Oracle OpenWorld 2006. This is indeed a scene. I can't decide if "hubris" or "impressive" is the right way to describe it but the numbers don't lie. They are expecting 45000 people for the conference and the City of San Francisco thinks the show will generate $50-60M in money for the city. Apparently, no Oracle employee is allowed to stay in a hotel north of the airport. One of the more shocking things was that the city blocked off a chunk of Howard St. in front of Moscone for the conference.

In this morning's Oracle Develop keynote given by Thomas Kurian, Senior Vice President at Oracle, Spring was front and center. Thomas had Rod get on stage during the keynote and describe what Spring is and what's new with Spring 2.0. Rod also talked about the collaboration…

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