Spring Security Advisories

CVE-2024-38810: Missing Authorization When Using @AuthorizeReturnObject

HIGH | AUGUST 19, 2024 | CVE-2024-38810


Applications using @AuthorizeReturnObject or the Spring Security produced AuthorizationAdvisorProxyFactory @Bean to wrap objects may not have all security advice applied.

When method security advice is not applied, it means that annotations like @PreFilter and @PreAuthorize may take no affect on these wrapped objects.

Note that this does not impact any @Beans that use Spring Security's method security advice.

For this to impact an application, all of the following need to be true:

  • AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator must be the auto proxy creator being used to create proxies; this can either be done declaratively by your application or enabled via @EnableAspectJAutoProxy or enabled by Spring Boot by virtue of using spring-aspects or a starter that uses spring-aspects
  • The application must have at least one FactoryBean present in the application context
  • The application must enable method security with @EnableMethodSecurity
  • The application must be wrapping objects using the @AuthorizeReturnObject annotation or the AuthorizationAdvisorProxyFactory @Bean produced by Spring Security
  • The application must be using @PreFilter, @PostFilter, @PreAuthorize, or @PostAuthorize on those wrapped objects

If all of these are true, then some of the method security advice may not be applied to the objects wrapped by @AuthorizeReturnObject or AuthorizationAdvisorProxyFactory.

Applications where any of the following are true are not impacted:

  • The application is not using @PreFilter, @PostFilter, @PreAuthorize, or @PostAuthorize on any wrapped objects
  • The application is not using @EnableMethodSecurity to enable method security
  • The application is not using @AuthorizeReturnObject or the AuthorizationAdvisorProxyFactory @Bean produced by Spring Security
  • The application doesn't have any FactoryBeans
  • The application is not using AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator for auto-proxy creation

Affected Spring Products and Versions

This affects the following Spring Security versions:

  • 6.3.0 and 6.3.1


Users of affected versions should upgrade to the corresponding fixed version.
Affected version(s)Fix versionAvailability

No other mitigation steps are necessary.


This issue was responsibly reported by Josh Cummings.


  • Spring Security Reference - https://docs.spring.io/spring-security/reference/servlet/authorization/method-security.html#authorize-object


  • 2024-08-19 - Initial Report Published

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