Spring Modulith 1.2.8, 1.3.2, and 1.4 M1 released
I am happy to announce the availability of Spring Modulith 1.4 M1, 1.3.2, and 1.2.8. While the latter contain a few bug fixes and the usual dependency upgrades to the latest Spring Boot releases, the milestone release ships a couple of important new features.
GH-928 – Move to Micrometer Observations API – Marcin Grzejszczak was kind enough to port our existing instrumentation based on the tracing APIs to the more modern observations API that allows more fine-grained integration and capturing of metrics. Stay tuned for a more detailed blog post coming soon!
GH-933 – Consider global proxy settings for proxies created.
GH-1009 - SPI to detect
programatically. -
GH-1037 - Upgrade to Spring Boot 3.5 M1.
GH-961 – Upgrade to Structurizr 3.1.