Adam Fitzgerald

Blog posts by Adam Fitzgerald

Video: Managing and Monitoring Spring Integration Applications

News | July 17, 2012 | ...

This video discusses the options for managing and monitoring applications that use Spring Integration. Topics covered include:

  • using the Spring Integration plugin for Spring Insight to get a real-time view of your applications and its performance
  • using the Integration MBean Exporter and the MBeans it registers for analyzing messaging endpoints and channels
  • exporting the Integration MBean Exporter itself as an MBean, to gain access to its attributes and operations
  • using the <control-bus /> to start and stop endpoints
  • enabling and using Message History
  • previewing the orderly shutdown mechanisms being built into Spring Integration 2.2

Be sure to thumbs up the presentation if you find it useful and subscribe to the SpringSourceDev channel to see other recordings and screencasts.

Video: Spring Dependency Injection Styles

News | May 30, 2012 | ...

This video provides a tour of modern dependency injection and Spring container configuration styles, including those available in the Spring 3.1 release. Spring expert and long time committer, Chris Beams, shows by example the use of Java @Configuration classes, Annotated POJOs, and XML to wire up your application. The presentation covers not just how to configure the container to use these options, but will also discuss why you would choose one method over another, as well as how they can be mixed and matched.

Be sure to thumbs up the presentation if you find it useful and subscribe to the SpringSourceDev channel to see other recordings and screencasts.

This Week in Spring: May 29th 2012

Engineering | May 29, 2012 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring! As usual, we have a lot to cover, so let's get straight to it!

  1. Chris Beams has announced that the first milestone release towards Spring 3.2 is now available! This release is great!
    	It includes 
    	initial support for asynchronous <CODE> @Controller</CODE> methods,
    	early support for JCache-based cache providers,
    	significant performance improvements in autowiring of non-singleton beans,
    	initial delay support for <CODE> @Scheduled</CODE> and <CODE> &lt;task:scheduled&gt;</CODE>,
    	ability to choose between multiple executuors with <CODE>@Async</CODE>,
    	enhanced bean profile selection using the not (<CODE>!</CODE>) operator,  
    	48 bugs fixed, 8 new features and 36 improvements implemented. 

    Check out the latest and greatest bits now, and feel free to give feedback!

    When I asked for any items for consideration into this roundup on my Twitter account, one user immediately shot back: "With the Spring 3.2 news, how about a poll on whether the community wants 3.2 M1 to be followed by RC1. It's too good to wait." I agree, this release is

Video: More Practical Tips and Tricks with Spring Integration

News | May 11, 2012 | ...

This video provides a follow-up session to Oleg Zhurakousky's successful Spring Integration Tips and Tricks webinar exploring deeper and more complex patterns for integration. The questions for this session came out of the actual customer engagements as well as the questions that are most frequently asked on the Spring Integration forums. In this edition of "Practical Tips-and-Tricks" Oleg covers the advanced topics of enterprise integration such as advanced aggregation and resequencing, asynchronous message flows, message ID customizations, content enrichment and advanced message routing and more. This video is based on a refined version of Oleg's very successful talk delivered at SpringOne 2GX 2011.

To review basics of messaging and Spring Integration watch this Message Driven Architecture video by Mark Fisher and watch the previous video in this series: Spring Integration Tips and Tricks.

Be sure to thumbs up the presentation if you find it useful and subscribe to the SpringSourceDev channel to see other recordings and screencasts.

Video: Practical Tips and Tricks with Spring Integration

News | April 26, 2012 | ...

The idea for this video was triggered by Oleg Zhurakousky's desire to share some of the more interesting integration solutions that came out of the actual customer engagements as well as the questions that are most frequently asked on the Spring Integration forums. Oleg showcases the Spring Integration framework and how it can help you to build, manage and maintain powerful enterprise-grade integration solutions. In this edition of "Practical Tips-and-Tricks" Oleg covers some of the more advanced topics of enterprise integration such as message-flow-segmentation, custom retry logic, error handling, timeouts and more. This video is based on a refined version of Oleg's very successful talk delivered at SpringOne 2GX 2011.

To review basics of messaging and Spring Integration watch this Message Driven Architecture video by Mark Fisher.

Be sure to thumbs up the presentation if you find it useful and subscribe to the SpringSourceDev channel to see other recordings and screencasts.

This Week in Spring: April 17th, 2012

Engineering | April 17, 2012 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring. This week is the last chance to sign up for the SpringOne on the Road events in London, Kiev and Moscow so be sure to register. Let's dive into it!

  1. Chris Richardson's webinar recording on NoSQL options for the Java developer is online in the SpringSourceDev YouTube Channel.
  2. Shekhar Gulati's excellent introduction to Spring Roo continues over on IBM's developerWorks portal. The latest installment introduces writing advanced (and wrapper) Spring Roo addons.
  3. <LI>  This article, which introduces how to use <a href = "">Spring to assemble  JavaFX 2 components</a> is short and to the point.  I'd probably use Spring's Java configuration option to fully exploit all the custom components, however. The nice thing about the approach outlined (over using FXML, directly, is that beans configured this way benefit from all the services that Spring provides, including dependency injection and AOP). Nice post, Andy!  </LI>
    <LI>Blogger <EM>Rob Gordon</EM> has a nice post introducing <a href ="…

Spring Integration 2.1.1 Released

News | April 06, 2012 | ...

The Spring Integration team is pleased to announce the release of Spring Integration 2.1.1.RELEASE. This is the first maintenance release of 2.1.x branch and contains the usual things like bug fixes and improvements related to AMQP, Gemfire, Mongo and Redis modules which were first introduced in Spring Integration 2.1.0. All together 56 issues were resolved with this release.

Download | JavaDocs | Reference Documentation | Release Notes

To learn more about the project, visit the Spring Integration homepage, watch the introduction video or ask a question on the forum.

This Week in Spring: March 20th, 2012

Engineering | March 20, 2012 | ...

Hello and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! As usual, we've got some great stuff to look at, so let's get to it.

  1. 	Want to use SpringSource Tool Suite on the <a href = "">latest Eclipse Juno (4.2) milestone builds</A>? 
    	SpringSource Tool Suite lead Martin Lippert has got the answer for you.
    <LI> Michal Borek  has a great blog post on how to use the <a href = ""><CODE>ConversionService</CODE> in Spring 3.0+ to convert uploaded file data into a domain object</A>. First, this is a <EM>really</EM> cool idea. Second, users should be…

Spring 3.1 Release Train Complete, Spring More Popular Than Ever

Releases | March 14, 2012 | ...
Spring 3.1 Release Train Complete

In a press release today, SpringSource and VMware announced that the Spring 3.1 Release Train is complete. Spring Integration, Spring Security, Spring Batch, Spring Data, Spring Mobile and Spring for Android all now support Spring 3.1, making it easier and faster for enterprise developers to build the next generation of enterprise applications.

The press release also highlighted important findings from Evans Data Research regarding the growing popularity and benefits of using Spring. More than two thirds of Java developers are either using Spring today or plan to do so within the next two years and those that do use Spring are 50% more productive.

SpringSource would like to thank all of the amazing community members that made this release possible. Community contributions form an important part of many of the projects and all the users that experimented with milestone and release candidate versions help substantially in making sure that Spring technology is high quality and production ready. Work is already underway on many other exciting projects like the recently announced Spring for Apache Hadoop project. Community members are invited to attend the upcoming SpringOne on the Road events to meet the Spring experts and learn about the latest features available with Spring.

Video: Native Android Development with Spring

News | March 12, 2012 | ...

This video will provide an introductory overview of Android’s architecture, the layout of an Android project, the use of various Maven plugins and tools for enabling dependency management in your Android project. When building Android apps, you can use a third party library, like Spring for Android, that provides an abstraction for consuming RESTful services within your native Android app. Spring Android also supports the use of Spring Social on Android, and this presentation will discuss how Spring Social can help you connect your apps to OAuth protected services like Facebook and Twitter.

Be sure to thumbs up the presentation if you find it useful and subscribe to the SpringSourceDev channel to see other recordings and screencasts.

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