Spring 3.1 Release Train Complete, Spring More Popular Than Ever

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | March 14, 2012 | ...
Spring 3.1 Release Train Complete

In a press release today, SpringSource and VMware announced that the Spring 3.1 Release Train is complete. Spring Integration, Spring Security, Spring Batch, Spring Data, Spring Mobile and Spring for Android all now support Spring 3.1, making it easier and faster for enterprise developers to build the next generation of enterprise applications.

The press release also highlighted important findings from Evans Data Research regarding the growing popularity and benefits of using Spring. More than two thirds of Java developers are either using Spring today or plan to do so within the next two years and those that do use Spring are 50% more productive.

SpringSource would like to thank all of the amazing community members that made this release possible. Community contributions form an important part of many of the projects and all the users that experimented with milestone and release candidate versions help substantially in making sure that Spring technology is high quality and production ready. Work is already underway on many other exciting projects like the recently announced Spring for Apache Hadoop project. Community members are invited to attend the upcoming SpringOne on the Road events to meet the Spring experts and learn about the latest features available with Spring.

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