Spring IDE WebFlow Support Preview Release 1

Releases | Colin Sampaleanu | May 21, 2005 | ...

Christian Dupuis has announced a new preview version of the Eclipse-based Spring-IDE which has graphical editor support for Spring Web Flow.

Here's Christian's announcement from the mailing list:


Dear Spring Community,

We have just released the first preview version of the Spring IDE WebFlow support. Please use this release to give us feedback.


* Full featured graphical editor for String WebFlow Xml  configurations files.
   - Support for latest Spring WebFlow PR 3 features
   - Drag'n'Drop editing
   - Validation during edit
   - Print and Export (jpg and bmp) functionality
   - Automated lay outing of Spring WebFlow config file including connection routing
   - Side-by-side editing of the same configuration file in
     your favorite Xml Editor Plugin and in the WebFlow Editor
* Integration with Spring IDE Beans View and Beans Graph
   - Beans ConfigSet can be associated with a WebFlow ConfigSet for validation

The Preview Release 1 is available from Spring IDE's developer update site at http://springide.org/updatesite_dev. Make sure you have installed Eclipse 3.0 along with Spring IDE 1.2.0 and GEF 3.0.1.

Documentation is available at
http://springide.org/project/wiki/WebFlowEditor and

If you find any bugs or you have feature requests please file a ticket at  http://springide.org/project/newticket specifying the version 'webflow.PR1'.

Thanks for your effort

Greetings Christian

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