Spring Web Services 1.0 M1 Released

Releases | Arjen Poutsma | June 12, 2006 | ...

Dear Spring community,

I'm pleased to announce that Spring Web Services 1.0 M1 has been released. Download | Documentation | Changelog

This release is the first milestone of Spring-WS: a product of the Spring community focused on creating document-driven Web services.

Spring-WS 1.0 M1 includes:

  • A streaming SOAP message model based on Apache Axiom,
  • WS-Security support that integrates with Acegi,
  • JAXB 2.0 marshaller support,
  • Many further improvements and fixes for issues discovered since 0.9.1.

See the changelog for details.

For more information about Spring-WS and its goals, refer to the Spring-WS homepage.

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