Spring Batch 1.0.0.m3 Released

Releases | Ben Hale | December 05, 2007 | ...

Spring Batch 1.0.0.m3 is now available via the Spring Portfolio Milestone Repository (browse).  See the Spring Batch downloads page for more information.

We have had a lot of good feedback from the community, and from a large number of Accenture projects that are using or evaluating Spring Batch.  So the 1.0.0-m3 release has quite a range of bug fixes and new features.  The main impact to existing users will be class name changes in the input and output abstractions.  New (non-Maven) users will find it much easier to get started with the new .zip assembly including all dependencies.  There is also a new section on the website describing in detail how to migrate from 1.0-m2 to 1.0.0.m3.

I would also like to welcome Ben Hale on board as the new SpringSource technical lead on Spring Batch.  Ben will be working full time on Spring Batch, and moving to the UK in January 2008 to concentrate on this work.  With Ben's help we have put together a plan for the last milestone 1.0.0.m4 which delivers at the end of January or early February.  After that we anticipate, barring unforeseen problems, a fast turn over into rc1 and 1.0.0 final.  As usual you can track the roadmap via JIRA.


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