Q2 Amsterdam Java Meetup - May 23rd 2008

Engineering | Alef Arendsen | April 08, 2008 | ...

It's been a while... for the Amsterdam Java Meetup that is. I've been traveling a lot and haven't been able to organize another meetup past quarter. But here we go again: the (almost) quarterly Amsterdam Java Meetup with free drinks (or at least, the first few rounds) will be hosted in grand-cafe de Jaren in Amsterdam (see below for more info on the location) on the 23rd of May. You can expect many Java devs (usually between 50 and 80 people turn up), technical as well as non-technical discussions and of course, the latest gossip in the Dutch Java industry. We'd love to hear from people from 'the other side' (other other sides, I should say) as well, so if you're doing Ruby or .NET, don't hesitate to join in too!!

Spread the news and link to this blog entry or to the corresponding Upcoming.org page. You're welcome to leave a comment if you're attending. See you there!

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