Spring Data Document with MongoDB Support 1.0.0.M2 Released

Releases | Thomas Risberg | April 09, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am pleased to announce that the second milestone release of the Spring Data Document 1.0 project with MongoDB support is now available!

The primary goal of the Spring Data project is to make it easier to build Spring-powered applications that use new data access technologies such as non-relational databases, map-reduce frameworks, and cloud based data services.

The Spring Data MongoDB subproject provides integration with the MongoDB document database.

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To learn more about the project, visit the Spring Data Spring Data MongoDB Page.

The changes and new features in Spring Data Document 1.0.0.M2 include:


  • Spring configuration support using Java based @Configuration classes

Core Data Access

  • Persistence and mapping lifecycle events
  • GeoSpatial integration
  • [DATADOC-76] - Add support for findAndRemove to MongoTemplate/MongoOperations
  • [DATADOC-5] - Provide detailed mapping of Mongo errors onto Spring DAO exception
  • [DATADOC-51] - Fixed issue with exceptions thrown when authenticating multiple times for same DB instance


  • [DATADOC-72] - Add support for Mongo's $elemMatch and chained Criteria
  • [DATADOC-77] - Rename "and" method in Query to "addCritera"
  • [DATADOC-67] - Criteria API to support keywords for geo search


  • Feature Rich Object Mapping integrated with Spring's Conversion Service
  • Annotation based mapping metadata but extensible to support other metadata formats
  • [DATADOC-60] - Add namespace support to setup a MappingMongoConverter
  • [DATADOC-33] - Introduce annotation to demarcate id field in a domain object


  • [DATADOC-47, DATACMNS-17] - Adapted new metamodel API
  • [DATADOC-46] - Added support for 'In' and 'NotIn' keyword
  • [DATADOC-49] - Fixed 'And' and 'Or' keywords
  • [DATADOC-41] - Added support for executing QueryDsl predicates
  • [DATADOC-69] - Let repository namespace pickup the default mapping context bean and allow configuration
  • [DATADOC-24] - Allow use of @Query annotation to define queries
  • [DATADOC-34] - Create indexes for columns that are mentioned in query methods


  • [DATADOC-48] - Cross-store persistance - support for JPA Entities with fields transparently persisted/retrieved using MongoDB


  • [DATADOC-66] - Log4j log appender

Looking forward to your feedback on the forum or in the issue tracker.

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