Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.5.0.RC1 Released

Releases | Jeremy Grelle | June 02, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I'm pleased to announce that the 1.5.0.RC1 release candidate of Spring BlazeDS Integration, the open source solution for building Spring-powered RIAs with Adobe Flex, is now available.

Download | Reference Documentation | JavaDocs | Changelog

This release is largely focused on stabilization of the new features introduced in the previous milestones. Significant attention has been paid to maturing the refactored Spring Security 3 support and the Hibernate AMF serialization support. New annotations such as @AmfIgnore and @AmfCreator allow deeper customization of the AMF conversion process, and this enhanced AMF support has now been made generally available for application to any object type, not just those persisted with Hibernate.

As always, I encourage anyone interested to get involved by trying out the release and giving us feedback in the community forum and Jira, as we are expecting only a short break before the release of 1.5.0.GA. We continually get great feedback from people having success with Spring BlazeDS Integration in their projects, and we look forward to hearing more about your experiences.

Jeremy Grelle
Spring Flex Lead

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