Spring 3.1.0 M2 Released

Releases | Chris Beams | June 08, 2011 | ...

The second and final milestone of Spring 3.1 is now available from our http://maven.springframework.org/milestone Maven repository or for direct download from our community download page. This release includes new features such as:

  • Code equivalents for Spring's XML namespaces
  • Builder-style APIs for code-based Hibernate configuration
  • TestContext framework support for @Configuration classes and bean definition profiles
  • Support for injection against non-standard JavaBeans setters
  • Support for Servlet 3 code-based configuration of Servlet container
  • Support for Servlet 3 MultipartResolver
  • JPA EntityManagerFactory bootstrapping without persistence.xml
  • New HandlerMethod-based Support Classes For Annotated Controller Processing
  • Consumes and Produces @RequestMapping Conditions
  • Working With URI Template Variables In Controller Methods
  • Validation For @RequestBody Method Arguments
See the New Features and Enhancements in Spring 3.1 section of the reference documentation for more information

Stay tuned to the SpringSource Blog over the coming week for a series of posts covering what's new in 3.1.0.M2.

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