Spring AMQP for Java 1.0 RC2

Releases | Josh Long | June 27, 2011 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring AMQP for Java 1.0 RC2 is now available.

For details about the changes since RC1, please review the Release Notes here

In addition to a few bug fixes, this release provides the following:

  • Support for Exchange-to-Exchange bindings as well as custom Exchange types
  • Improved re-connection support
  • Added ChannelListener callback
  • Clarified Binding builder API semantics
  • Added a MessageProperties conversion strategy interface
  • Improved namespace coverage (e.g. <rabbit:template>)
  • Upgraded to RabbitMQ client version 2.5.0

Since this is intended to be our final pre-GA release, please take some time to try it out. In fact if you have a chance, really try to push the limits so that we know we're ready for prime time.

The Spring AMQP Team

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