This week in Spring: June 28th, 2011

Engineering | Josh Long | June 28, 2011 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of "This Week in Spring."

Lots of great stuff this week, as usual. When we compile this list, we trawl the internet looking for interesting stuff and try to bring it to you, digest style, in this weekly roundup. Some of the resources that we commonly check are Twitter, the SpringSource blogs,, and Tomcat Expert,

We try to not miss anything, but we might. If you know of something that we've missed or think should be included, don't hesitate to ping your humble editors with any suggestions.

While SpringSource has a strong presence at numerous conferences and industry events, the premiere conference for Spring developers remains the SpringOne conference, held yearly in the United States. Work is well underway in planning the final program. Check out the SpringOne 2GX page to see news and activity, and to register, for the upcoming SpringOne2GX conference.

    <LI><a href="">Spring Social 1.0.0.RC1</a> has just been released.  
    	This release includes additions to the Facebook API binding such as photo and video upload, Facebook page support, and Facebook search, expansion of the Twitter API binding to include mobile notifications, blocking, and geo location operations, implicit sign up support enabling automatic sign up of a user from a connection, a new quickstart showing how to get up and running quickly, and numerous bug fixes and other improvements based on user feedback. </li>
    <LI><a href="">Spring AMQP for Java RC1</a> 
    	 has been released. The new release adds many features, and marks the first step of the march towards GA. Developers are encouraged to try the bits out, and provide as much <a href="">feedback</a> as possible. 
    <LI><a href="">The Spring BlazeDS Integration, 1.5 GA</a> has just been released! 
    	 This release has been in the works for a while, and includes lots of cool features. If you're a user depending on the Spring Flex integration that makes it easy to interact with Spring services from Flex-based RIA clients, then you should definitely upgrade. This release has enhanced AMF serialization support, better, more natural, and more exhaustive Spring Security support, easier customization and namespace-supported configuration of framework-provided services, support for reading and writing AMF content with RESTful Spring MVC <CODE>@Controllers</code>, upgraded minimum dependencies to Spring 3.0, BlazeDS 4.0, Spring Security 3.0, and Spring Integration 2.0 and a complete revision of the Maven-based Test Drive samples, including an update across the board to use Flex 4, and a new sample to demonstrate the RESTful programming model.  </li>
        Tomcat Expert has a very interesting post on using <a href="">Windows authentication in Tomcat 7</a>. Check it out! </li>
    <LI> Did you know that you could import other Spring <CODE>@Configuration</CODE>-based configuration classes, just as you might import another XML-based configuration class? For details, <a href="">check out this blog.</a>  </LI>
    <LI>SpringSource has put up <a href="">a video introducing the Spring Roo Vaadin addon</a> to help created Vaadin-based web applications quickly with Spring Roo. Be sure to <a href="">subscribe to the SpringSourceDev</a> channal for the all the latest videos.</li>   
    <LI>Phil  Webb's started a series of blog posts around the idea of taking the Spring Webflow <code>JsfView</code> a step further. The <code>JsfView</code> already works, but it's stateless, and doesn't handle JSF postbacks correctly. The work described in this <a href="">blog</a> expands upon the existing support, outlining the problem and parts of the solution.  He continuous, expanding upon the previous ideas, <a href="">in this blog.</a>  
    	Very cool stuff! 
    	<LI>This French-language  <a href="">introduction to Spring 3.1's profiles and environments feature</a> is both comprehensive, and a testament to the power of the soon-to-be-released Spring 3.1 framework. Check it out!
    <LI>This Spanish-language <a href="">introduction to Spring Security 3.1</a> is an extension, and - in a way - an update - to a previous introductory tutorial that's also linked to in the article.  </lI>
    	<LI>The Eclipse Virgo project has been picking up interest from the OSGi community and now they have even more reasons to try it out. There is a new first tool release of <a href="">Eclipse Virgo IDE 1.0.0.M01</a>.  </li>

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