Feature Tour

Releases | Chloe Jackson | August 26, 2011 | ...

Spring enables you to focus on your business problem rather than the plumbing that connects components and systems. Take a tour of Spring’s key features from the core framework to infrastructure and data services and learn how to build, run and manage your modern Java applications. Getting started is easy and you can do it now.


Spring Framework Features

The Spring Framework helps you build Java Applications faster because it allows you to focus on your business problem rather than the plumbing code that connects components and systems. The features of Spring include:

Modern Web

Complete support for modern applications including REST, HTML 5, conversations and AJAX.
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Data Access

Supports traditional RDBMS as well as new NoSQL solutions, map-reduce frameworks and cloud based data services.
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Enterprise orchestration and adapters for distributed applications, asynchronous message-based applications, and batch applications.
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Web support for mobile client platforms including Android and iPhone.
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Integration with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other prominent social networks.
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Authorization control for all tiers and authentication integration to dozens of providers.
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Cloud Ready

Spring applications are supported on all popular cloud platforms like Cloud Foundry, Google App Engine and Amazon EC2.
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Spring Key Benefits


Plain old Java Objects keep your code concise, simple and modular



Over 70% of developers report productivity gains and reduction in time to deploy with Spring



Applications run on Tomcat, all Java EE servers as well as cloud platforms



Cleanly expressed dependencies make unit and integration testing easier


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