Video: Interview with Costin Leau from JavaOne 2011

News | Adam Fitzgerald | November 21, 2011 | ...

Video Interview with Costin Leau at JavaOne 2011

In this new video interview from InfoQ, Spring expert, Costin Leau talks about Spring Data, caching, data grid architectures and work on a new Spring Hadoop project. This interview, filmed last month at JavaOne 2011, provides some great background to how the Spring team has been thinking about data and how the emerging new models of data access can be incorporated seamlessly into your Spring applications.

Costin talks about :

  • Spring Data as an umbrella project
  • Transaction capabilities in the world of noSQL
  • Flexible caching integration in Spring
  • The current development work on Spring Hadoop

Many thanks to InfoQ for taking the time to talk to the Spring experts and providing this outstanding interview to the community.

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