VIDEO: SPRINGONE 2GX - Mobile Web Development with HTML5

News | Josh Long | January 30, 2012 | ...

SpringOne 2GX Video: Mobile Web Development with HTML5

SpringOne 2GX 2011 was filled with great content on building better mobile and web applications. In this presentation, Mobile Web Development with HTML5, we get to learn about building compelling mobile applications with HTML5 and technologies like PhoneGap.

This presentation is given by Spring Android lead and mobile expert Roy Clarkson and Spring Developer Advocate Josh Long.

Roy and Josh introduce the innate capabilities of modern HTML 5 mobile browsers and introduce techniques and technologies
like PhoneGap, a shell for web applications on mobile clients, and Jo, a widget framework,
to simplify and augment mobile development.

Many thanks to InfoQ for coming to Chicago to record so many of the fantastic SpringOne 2GX presentations.

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