This Week in Spring, January 31, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | January 31, 2012 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring.

 Seems like we were just staring down the holiday season a minute ago, doesn't it? Here we are a month on into the new year, already. Time sure does fly. 

We've got lots of exciting new content, and a lot of it is either videos or full texts that you can read, be sure to skim through this roundup and then find yourself a nice cozy chair to absorb the rest of it and enjoy!

  1. Spring.NET Social 1.0.0 Has Been Released! Hot on the heels of Spring Social 1.0 (for Java)'s release late last year, Spring.NET Social 1.0.0 has been released with the foundation API as well as API implementations for Dropbox, LinkedIn and Twitter.
  2. <LI>Speaking of Spring Social, <A href = "">Craig Walls</a>' SpringOne2GX talk,  <a href ="">The Rise of OAuth</A>,
    	 is now available on <A href = ""></a>. The talk introduces the nuanced world of OAuth, and then introduces how Spring Social and Spring Security can make interoperating with, and providing, OAuth-based services easier.    </LI> 
    <LI> <a href = "">Michael Hunger</a>, <a href = "">Spring Data Neo4J</A> contributor and Neo4J ninja, has put together a <EM>very</EM> good guide on the <a href = "">Spring Data</A> projects called 

    Good Relationships. Good Relationships is available as a free download from our friends at InfoQ. Michael, besides being a prolific coder (I'm still not convinced the man sleeps...), is a very good writer. He contributed the amazing content (not to mention the addon itself!) regarding the Spring Roo Neo4J addon to the book that co-author Steve Mayzak and I wrote about Spring Roo for O'Reilly last year (which is also available as a free download!. Thanks, O'Reilly, and Michael!).

    I recommend this book - Michael's a NoSQL ninja, and an inspirational voice in the community.

    Incidentally, this is a fine time to revisit Michael's SpringOne2GX 2011 talk, Introduction to Spring Data Neo4j, also on InfoQ!

    <LI>  <a href = "">Roy Clarkson</A> and <A href ="">Josh Long</A>'s (that's me!) <a href = "">SpringOne2GX</a> 2011 talk, <a href = ""> Mobile Web Development with HTML 5</A> is also on InfoQ. This talk introduces mobile application development techniques using HTML5. </LI>
    	 <LI> Frequent blogger Alex Soto has a blog on <a href = "">Thymeleaf</a>, the powerful templating 
    		 library that works marvelously with Spring MVC. Alex introduces <a href= "">Thymeleaf, and a simple Spring MVC and HTML5 Maven archetype</a>, which you can use to bootstrap your own Spring MVC project.
    <LI> In large teams with many modules, it is helpful to decouple implementations of services from their interface contracts. Dependency injection, and Spring in particular, make this trivial.   Tobias Flohre  outlines a structure for building loosely coupled business components  with a minimal of fuss. <a href = "">Tobias employs Spring's Java configuration support to achieve the loose coupling of contracts and implementations</A>  - extricating the knowledge about which implementation is being used to the configuration. </LI>
     In his blog,	Brian Du Preez talks about his latest project and how he got it to work with <a href = "">	Spring 3.0, Spring Web Services 2.0 and Spring   Security LDAP</a>.  Nice job, Brian! Thanks for sharing the details on this - it'll benefit numerous others who are no doubt doing the same sort of thing in their own environments.   
    <LI> This blog demonstrates <A href ="">how to configure a connection pool in Spring that connects to the in-memory database, H2.</a>   </LI>
    <LI> Geraint Jones has a nice blog introducing <a href = "">how to setup RESTful services using Spring MVC</A>.  </LI>
    <LI> Jeff Zapotoczny details his <a href = "">first steps with Spring Batch and Spring Batch Admin</a>. Jeff felt that <a href = "">Spring Batch</A> was a bit heavy-handed at first (it's easy to get that impression on first blush - it has <EM>so</EM> many features!)  but on consulting with his team members he realized that Spring Batch, and <a href ="">Spring Batch Admin</A>, were just right.  
    	I'll be looking for more of Jeff's journey, and in the meantime, if you've got a batch problem to solve, why don't you take your first steps with Spring Batch?
    <LI> The TechArtifact  blog has a 
    	 <a href = "">Spring MVC example that uses Maven</a>.  </LI>
    <LI> Lucas Jellema, on the AMIS blog has two interesting Tomcat blogs. The first one <a href = "">details how to setup Tomcat 7 as a server in Netbeans</a>. 
    	The second 
    	details how to run <A href = "">CometD examples on Tomcat, also  using Maven and NetBeans</A>. 
    	 Nice job, Lucas!    </LI>

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