This Week in Spring - March 27th, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | March 28, 2012 | ...

Welcome to another installation of This Week in Spring. As usual, we have a lot to cover. As this post goes up, the Cloud Foundry Open Tour is underway in Beijing, and coming to a city near you, soon. This show's a very unique opportunity to learn more about Cloud Foundry and Spring from the experts - don't miss out, register today.

  1. Spring web dude Rossen Stoyanchev announced that Spring Web Flow 2.3.1 has been released. This is a maintenance release featuring an upgrade to Spring 3.1.1, and JavaServer Faces 2.1.7 along with a number of bug fixes.
  2. SpringSource Tool Suite lead Martin Lippert announced the release of the Cloud Foundry Integration for Eclipse 1.0. This release brings a complete, cohesive Cloud Foundry integration for all Eclipse distributions, including the SpringSource Tool Suite.
  3. Martin also announced the release of SpringSource Tool Suite release, 2.9.1, featuring new features and bug fixes.
  4. <LI>    <a href = "">Mark Fisher</A> and <a href = "">Thomas Risberg</A>'s epic talk from <a href = "">SpringOne 2GX 2011</A>  - <EM><A href = "">Architecture Choices for Scalable Cloud Apps</A></EM> -  that introduces how to build scalable architectures in the cloud using technologies like Spring Integration and Cloud Foundry is now up on InfoQ. 
  5. Maciej Walkowiak has a blog that introduces how to use Spring 3.1 profiles in conjunction with some custom Tomcat configuration to activate Spring profiles without changing the deployed binary.
  6. Michal Jastak has put together a wonderful post introducing how to use Spring MVC 3.1's support for flash attributes.
  7. Tobias Flohre is at it again, this time with two posts on Spring Batch. The first post introduces the basics of transactions in Spring Batch, and the second post introduces some of the finer points of restarting cursor-based readers and writers.
  8. Artur Mkrtchyan has a great post introducing both how to install Redis (a fast, highly optimized data-structure server) and how to use Spring Data Redis (part of the Spring Data umbrella project that facilitates access to the wide varieties of so-called NoSQL and big-data stores) to build Spring applications that talk to Redis.
  9. Vijay Rawat has a detailed post introducing how to use Memcached in your Spring applications to acheive session replication. This approach relies on the developer specifically delegating to Memcached for Session persistence in his code. While this works, I hope that users will take a look at more transparent options. Tomcat supports pluggable session storage engines. There are numerous available implementations, including a Redis-based implementation and a GemFire-based implementation.
  10. Speaking of Apache Tomcat, blogger Ramki has an interesting post introducing how to setup virtual hosts ("vhosts") using Apache Tomcat, Apache and ModJK.

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