Spring Data Neo4j 2.1.0 Release Candidate 1 Released

Releases | Michael Hunger | May 07, 2012 | ...

Dear Spring-NOSQL Community,

The new Release Candidate 1 of Spring Data - Neo4j comes with a number of long requested improvements and additions.

First of all, SDN has been updated to Neo4j 1.7.GA which includes operational improvements and new grammar to the Cypher graph query language. To complement the added language features, this release of SDN integrates a new version of the cypher-dsl with an improved API.

By popular request, support for not only unique node entities but also for relationships is now available. This works using either the remote REST-Server or an embedded Neo4j database.

Spring Data Neo4j was refactored to streamline the internal setup allowing you to construct Neo4j-Template instance directly.

If you have any questions or suggestions don't hesitate to ask on the Spring Forums, the Neo4j Google Group or by raising an issue in JIRA.

Please also check out the Spring Data Neo4j Guidebook on InfoQ. It is available as PDF and ePUB and soon also in print.


Changes in version 2.1.RC1 (2012-05-07)

  • DATAGRAPH-228 update to Neo4j 1.7, SD-Commons 1.3.0.RC2, Neo4j-Spatial 0.8, Neo4j-Java-Rest-Binding 1.7
  • DATAGRAPH-206 Neo4jTemplate can now also be instantiated directly, MappingInfrastructureFactoryBean takes care of providing dependencies
  • DATAGRAPH-219, DATAGRAPH-210 unique relationships with annotation and via template, and documentation for unique entities
  • DATAGRAPH-221 indexed needed by the persistent entities are now created upfront by an MappingContextListener to satisfy cypher checks
  • DATAGRAPH-214 numeric fields can be indexed non-numerically
  • DATAGRAPH-181 fix for creating unique entities with numeric unique fields
  • DATAGRAPH-213 support inheritance (querying) of relationship-entities

Project resources: Downloads | Reference Card | JavaDocs | Spring Data Neo4j Guide Book | Changelog | GitHub Repository

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