This Week in Spring - August 28th, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | August 28, 2012 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring, VMWorld edition! We're at the VMWorld event, talking to developers about Spring and Cloud Foundry. There's been a lot of exciting news coming out of this event, including some interesting updates around vFabric and updates regarding the timelines for Cloud Foundry itself:, the hosted PaaS from VMware, will be GA by end-of-year, and next year will see the availability of a private on-premise Cloud Foundry. Both vFabric and Cloud Foundry are ideal environments for your Spring applications, and it's nice to see these platforms evolve.

  1. Oliver Gierke has announced that the Spring Data Release Train has reached the station! This release is an umbrella release of several projects that provides uniformity across the various modules.
    	This release includes Spring Data Commons 1.4.0.RC1, Spring Data JPA 1.2.0.RC1, 
    	Spring Data MongoDB 1.1.0.RC1, Spring Data Neo4j 2.1.0.RC3 and Spring Data Gemfire 1.2.0.RC1.
    <LI> Gunnar Hillert has a nice blog introducing how to <a href = "">bootstrap custom Spring Integration adapter development.</a>
    <LI>  Gary Russel has announced that the latest iteration of  <a href  = "">Spring Integration, 2.2.0M4, is now available</a>.  Gary, a very busy man indeed, has also announced the latest release  <a href = ""> of Spring AMQP, 1.1.2</a>,  has been released</LI>
    <LI>   Spring Batch lead Dr. David Syer has announced the latest release of <a href = "">Spring Batch, 2.1.9, is now available</a>.    
    <LI>  Greg Case has put together a nice post on how to integrate <a href ="">Spring Data REST-exposed repositories with the jQuery Datatables data grid</a>.  </LI>
     <LI>  The O'Reilly Spring Data book is under continuous development and  <a href = "">is available in early-access release on O'Reilly's website</A>. I want to encourage you to get the book, review it, and feedback as early as possible.
    	<LI> Web ninja Matt Raible has an interesting tweet reminding us of the power of Spring MVC's <a href = "">&lt;default-servlet-handler/&gt;</a>,
    		 in 140 chars, to boot!
    		<LI> The second of a series of posts by Oracle JavaFX evangelist 				<a href = "">Steve  Chin introducing  Spring with JavaFX  is up, check it out</a>!
    	<LI> Nicolas Frankel has an interesting post on  <a href = "">how to use Spring Security with the
    		Vaadin web framework</a>. Nicely done, Nicolas! 
    		 <LI> The jeviathon blog has some interesting posts, of late! The first one introduces <a href ="">how to leverage Spring 3.1's <CODE>@Cacheable</CODE></a> API <EM>and</EM> the blog even compares it to analagous support in the .NET world. Very cool!
    			 Next, the blog shows how to build <A href   = "">Spring 3.1 Java configuration-based integration with Lucene 4</a>. <EM>Also</EM> very cool! 
    		<LI>  There are some amazing webinars coming up! 
    			The first one, on September 6th, 
    			 <A href  = "">Development with Spring Tool Suite</A> will   look at how to develop applications for Spring and Cloud Foundry  using the Spring Tool Suite. The second webinar, on September 20th, will introduce 
    			 on <a href = "">Spring Security Fundamentals</A>, which is sure to be of interest for anyone who wants to learn how to use this critical technology.
    				</li><LI> Tim Spann has put together a compilation of useful links for working  with <a href ="">HTML 5, Spring, Spring Flex and Flex</a>. Interesting read!
    					</li><LI> Trevor Page has a nice post on  <a href = "">how to debug in Java using the Spring Tool Suite</a>, complete with a video! Nice job, Trevor!

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