This Week in Spring - 16 October, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | October 17, 2012 | ...

Welcome to This Week in Spring, SpringOne2GX 2012 edition! I'm putting this together from day 2 of the SpringOne2GX conference in Washington D.C.!

Last night, we kicked off the event with a great keynote by Juergen Hoeller (pictured above), Dr. Mark Pollack, Graeme Rocher, and Adrian Colyer, some amazing break dancing by international dancer Agame, and a mysterious kangaroo (see below)!

This is the premier event for JVM developers, featuring great speakers from VMWare, SpringSource, TypeSafe, Neo4j, and many others speaking on all manner of topics. The week is just kicking off. While the conference is running, there's also going to be a contest to find the best applications built using SpringSource technologies (Spring, Grails) and deployed to Cloud Foundry. I've seen the prizes (above), and I would enter too if I could!

<P> If you're at the show, be sure to stop by the SpringSource and Cloud Foundry booths in the expo hall and pick up shwag and answers to your lingering questions. I'll be there tomorrow, in the evening.</p><P> Anyway, I won't linger <EM>too</EM> much on what you're missing! Let's move on to this week's roundup because, as usual, there's a lot to cover! </p> 
		<LI>Want to learn about what else has happened at SpringOne2GX? Check <a href= "">out this fantastic wrap up of day 1</a></LI>
		<LI> The Spring Data release train has finally arrived! Check out Oliver Gierke's post on the latest and greatest in  <a href= "">in the GA versions of the Spring Data modules</a></LI>
		<LI> Tool Suite ninja and Spring Expression language lead Andy Clement has announced <a href=""><EM>Scripted</EM>, a web-based JavaScript editor based itself entirely in JavaScript, and Node.js</A>.</LI>
		<LI>James Ward put together a nice post <a href= "">on how to use NoSQL inside SQL, with Java, Spring, Hibernate and PostgreSQL</a> </LI> 
		<LI>Our friend Krishna Prasad is back, this time with a post about <a href= "">jUnit testing of REST services and Spring MVC</a></LI> 
		<LI>Spring Data Neo4J lead Michael Hunger, (via  Andreas Kollegger) has put together a nice blog on <a href ="">how to use Spring Data Neo4j for the Hubway Data Challenge</a> </LI> 
		<LI>Speaking of Neo4j, there are some great talks from them at SpringOne this week -- be sure to check out their <a href="">preview of what's what and who's who if you're at the event!</a></LI> 

		<LI> Andriy Redko has introduced how to achieve publish/subscribe-style messaging   <a href="">Redis and Spring</a>.</LI> 

		<LI>Security's an important part of any application, and should be designed into the application from the beginning. Thankfully, Spring Security makes it easy. Grisha Mykhalyuno  has put together a nice blog <a href="">on  preventing brute force attacks with Spring Security</a>.</LI> 
		<LI> Roger Hughes is back, this time with a specific point about Spring  MVC's ability to <a href="">map runtime parameters in controller methods to request parameters based on the variable name</a></li>
		<LI>Our friend  Krishna Prasad is at it <em>again</EM>! This time, he's got a nice post on how to <a href="">use vFabric RabbitMQ and Spring Integration (over Spring AMQP) to handle publish-subscribe messaging</a>.   </li>
			Jiji Sasidharan introduces <a href="">Spring's <CODE>@Required</CODE> annotation</a>
  • Mike Hadlow introduces his new, alternative .NET RabbitMQ API in this post. The new API seems powerful and interesting.
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