This Week in Spring - 30 October, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | October 31, 2012 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring!

  1. Spring Data GemFire 1.2.1 and GemFire 7.0 have been released! The new Spring Data release includes complete Spring XML namespace support for configuration of all GemFire resources, eliminating the need for GemFire's native cache XML (cache XML is also supported), and Spring Data Repositories for GemFire. Also of note, the GemFire shell (gfsh) was built with Spring Shell. For more on the GemFire 7.0 release, be sure to check out the post which in turn links to release notes and documentation.
  2. 					<LI> Michael Isvy  has put together a nice blog <a href="">on moving from JSP and Tiles to Thymeleaf</a>, a new view layer that works particularly well with Spring MVC (and that we have talked about quite a bit in this very roundup for the last few years!).</LI>
    	Spring Security lead Rob Winch has done a nice interview with InfoQ on <A href= ""> Spring Security  in multi-tenant appications on the cloud</a>  </LI>
    <LI>  Do you want to learn more about Spring Data? You might check out the new O'Reilly e-book, and - for a limited time only - <a href="">get it for 50% off!</a> </LI>
    	<LI> Speaking of Spring Data, ZeroTurnaround, makers of the JRebel technology which makes it painless to instantly reload Java applications during development, has added Spring Data to the <a href="">list of frameworks that it knows how to reload!</a></LI>
    		<LI> Spring Integration engineer Gunnar Hillert has put together some interesting samples <A href="">on the stored procedure support coming in Spring Integration 2.2</a>! Be sure to check them out. </LI>
    			<LI>  Oliver Gierke has put together a <a href="">demonstration</a> of the <a href="">Spring HATEOAS project</a>. 
    				 The demonstration is from the already-a-classic tome, <EM>Rest in Practice</EM>, by Dr. Jim Webber, Savas Parastatidis, and Ian S. Robinson.   The example - "Restbucks" - is a RESTful cafe checkout system. This, in turn, is modeled after the cafe checkout example from the book <EM> Enterprise Integration Patterns</EM>, by  
    				 Gregor Hohpe, and Bobby Woolf. It's a very cool example, and drives home how powerful the HATEOAS approach to REST services can be, and underscores how powerful a tool Spring HATEOAS is. 
    <LI> Tomas Zezula has put together a nice blog on  using <a href=""> Spring MVC, TeeOutputStream and grep4j together</a>. 'Nuff said! Check out the post </LI>
  3. I was recently looking at embedded JMS message broker options and had some trouble getting the JBoss HornetQ JMS broker embedded, and found this post particularly helpful.
  4. Jérôme Verstrynge has a nice blog introducing how to do Spring MVC form validation using JSR 303 annotations. Check it out!

That's it from us this week. If you're in a country that celebrates Halloween today, tomorrow or soon, then Happy Halloween to you!

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