This Week in Spring - 13 November, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | November 14, 2012 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring! I started this week back in the lovely Sofia, Bulgaria for the Cloud Foundry Open Tour event, talking to a packed audience about building Spring applications on Cloud Foundry. Now, I'm in Antwerp, Belgium, at the Devoxx conference where I'll present on what's new in Spring 3.2, Cloud Foundry and more. If you're here, I invite you to come visit the SpringSource booth and see some of the talks on Spring that I - and others - will be giving.

  1. 		Roy Clarkson has announced not one, but two releases of Spring  Mobile this week! 

    Spring Android 1.0.1 has been released. This release includes a change to support BlackBerry 10 mobile devices. BlackBerry 10 mobile devices are now resolved as a mobile device when using the LiteDeviceResolver. Then, he released the
    1.1.0.M1 release, which folds in the 1.0.1 support as well as tablet support in site preference handling and site switching, support for Java-based container configuration, and support for servlet based configurations.

  2. Thomas Risberg has announced the GA release of Spring Data JDBC extensions with QueryDSL and Advanced Oracle support.
  3. There's a lot of interesting news in the testing space this week! First up, Rossen Stoyanchev
    posted a nice blog on the Spring MVC Test framework for 3.2 RC1. Then, Sam Brannen posted a great blog in the new testing features in the upcoming Spring 3.2 core (now available as part of 3.2 RC1).
  4. This isn't particularly new, but it's worth reiterating: Spring Framework 3.2 RC1 has been released! Take this opportunity to check it against your application, and to start learning about some of the new features.
     David Turanski has put together a nice post on using the <a href="" target="_blank">new Spring Integration Groovy DSL</a>. Talk about a one-two punch combo! 
     <li> Today, <a href="" target="_blank"> Cloud Foundry</a> announced a definition of Cloud Foundry Core, and launched <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, which provides lots of neat utilities. 
    	Looking at the various Cloud Foundry implementations <a href="" target="_blank">and want to comparison shop</a>? Or, would you like to  request that a certain  <a href="" target="_blank">framework or service be added to Cloud Foundry</a>?  
    	 </li> <li>  Viral Patel has put together a nice <a href="" target="_blank">post on handling multiple file uploads with Spring MVC</a>. 
    	<li> Erwin Vervaet  put together a great blog <a href="" target="_blank">post introducing the nascent Spring Shell project</a>. Nicely done!  </li>
    	<li> Santosh Rangarajan  has done a nice job <a href="" target="_blank">introducing the concepts of Spring Security 3.1</a> </li>

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