SpringOne 2GX 2012 Replays: Getting started with Spring Data and Distributed Database Grids + Whoops, where did my architecture go

News | Pieter Humphrey | February 26, 2013 | ...

Getting started with Spring Data and Distributed Database Grids

Alternative data persistence approaches are all the rage these days. Transitioning our skill sets and legacy applications to these new and promising technologies though can be problematic. Spring Data is an exciting solution to persistence proliferation. It brings the flexibility and familiarity of the Spring Framework and adds the concepts of Repositories which allow developers to write their programs to using familiar methods such as save, update, delete, and dynamic finders.

In this presentation we will introduce Spring Data for GemFire and how it leverages your existing Spring Framework skills to create generic Spring style interfaces which will make it more efficient to transition to distributed data grids such as GemFire.

About the speakers

Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is a Staff System Engineer at VMware where he focuses on helping people learn more about SpringSource technologies and they can aid enterprise applications.

Mark has worked on a wide range of technology during his career. Most recently he has focused on Groovy, Grails, and Scala as technologies which enable high quality applications quickly.

Mark is active in the software community as the President of the New England Java Users Group (NEJUG) and a regular presenter to user groups and various conferenes. When not working, Mark can be found riding his mountain bike on local trails and playing with his family

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David Turanski

David Turanski

David Turanski is a Senior Software Engineer with SpringSource, a division of VMWare. David is a member of the Spring Data team and lead of the Spring Data GemFire project. He is also a committer on the Spring Integration project. David has extensive experience as a developer, architect and consultant serving a variety of industries. In addition he has trained hundreds of developers how to use the Spring Framework effectively.

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Whoops! Where did my architecture go?

When applications grow bigger, modularity becomes a key aspect regarding maintainability. Design decisions made in the early days are hardly discoverable in the codebase, inter-module dependencies grow a lot. The talk introduces means and approaches to connect logical architecture to the codebase. Beyond that we discuss patterns and best practices around general code organization, package structures to build a solid foundation for Java applications and in how far Spring can help creating loosely coupled components and dedicated points to extend applications.

About the speaker

Oliver Gierke

Oliver Gierke

Oliver Gierke is engineer at SpringSource, a division of VMware, project lead of the Spring Data JPA module and involved into other Spring Data modules (e.g. MongoDB) as well. He has been into developing enterprise applications and open source projects for over 6 years now. His working focus is centered around software architecture, Spring and persistence technologies. He is regularly speaking at German and international conferences as well as author of technology articles.

More About Oliver »

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