This Week in Spring - May 14, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | May 15, 2013 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! Some rather exciting projects have been announced this week, and if you can believe it, we're almost out of SpringOne 2012 replay content! Good thing the SpringOne 2013 agenda grid is going live very soon, so we'll be able to look ahead. As usual, we've got a lot to cover so let's get to it!

In preparation for the agenda grid going live, a lot of new SpringOne 2013 sessions have been accepted:

  1. Jon Brisbin announced the Reactor project. The Reactor project aims to provide a solid foundation for asynchronous IO-based applications, on top of which it is natural to provide integrations for technologies like Grails and Spring. Reactor already features a good multi-language story with support for Groovy and Java (and, particularly, the upcoming Java 8 release!) Be sure to check this out, especially the comments section if you have questions about how this compares to other asynch technology!
  2. Spring Security lead Rob Winch has been busily enhancing the Spring Security and Spring Security OAuth Java Configuration story. He's got a first cut of the Spring Security OAuth Java Configuration API available, and I'm sure he'd appreciate any feedback on the new DSL, so definitely be sure to check it out! Nice work, Rob!
  3. Webinar on Thursday May 16th with Chris Richardson, author of POJOs in Action, on Decomposing Application for Deployability and Scalabilty. Register Now!
  4. Join Broadleaf Commerce's Andre Azzolini for a Webinar on Tuesday, May 28th as they discuss their Lessons Learned Moving from GWT to SpringMVC.
  5. Paul Chapman introduces some of the diverse support for content negotiation in Spring MVC on the SpringSource blog.
  6. Chris Harris's talk, the Spring Data MongoDB Project, from SpringOne2GX 2012 is now available in HD on YouTube!
  7. Lee Faus's talk, Extreme Makeover - Application Edition, from SpringOne2GX 2012 is now available HD on YouTube!
  8. The JIWHIZ blog, and blogger Yuan Ji, has put together a nice post introducing Spring's Java configuration support.
  9. This post - from blogger Chris Wong in a January post called "JmsTemplate is not evil" - explains some of the subtleties of using Spring's CachingConnectionFactory with a raw ConnectionFactory and then, for extra points, introduces one approach to dramatically speeding up ActiveMQ, in particular.
  10. The HMKcode blog has a nice, exhaustive post introducing how to use the jQuery-file-upload plugin with Spring MVC.
  11. Have you taken a look at HATEOAS yet? HATEOAS is a design pattern, an approach, for building better RESTful web services. Spring HATEOAS makes doing so dead simple atop Spring MVC, and this blog by Geraint Jones introduces Spring HATEAOS very nicely
  12. Blogger Alexey Zvolinskiy answers a common question: how do I bind checkboxes to the model object that's sent back and forth to the server in Spring MVC?
  13. Our friend @baeldung maintains a daily Twitter feed of awesome posts about Spring on StackOverflow, and I think he's dug up some absolutely amazing content. One post answers a question I am frequently asked: how do I enumerate all the Spring MVC @Controller-annotated beans at runtime?
  14. Another great post that I found while trawling through the @SpringAtSO handle was this post, explaining how to propagate request-scoped attributes beyond the thread of the current request. This post applies generally to any situation where a request-scoped attribute needs to propagate beyond its original thread and request.

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