This Week in Spring - June 4, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | June 04, 2013 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring. The SpringOne2GX super early bird registration discount expires on June 10th, 2013, so make your arrangements now to secure the discount. Also, we've got three webinars coming up this month, check out the details below. As usual, we've got a lot to cover, so let's get to it!

  1. I'll be doing a webinar on building effective REST APIs with Spring on June 13th. I'll be introducing Spring's deep support for REST services, starting with Spring MVC and moving up the Richardson Maturity Model to incorporate Spring HATEOAS and, ultimately, Spring Data REST. Along the way we'll look at the REST shell, and other concerns like security through OAuth.
  2. Join Jon Brisbin as he introduces Reactor in a webinar on June 18th. Reactor provides a foundational framework for applications that need high throughput when performing reasonably small chunks of stateless, asynchronous processing.
  3. Join Tony Erksine from Liberty University on June 27th as he instructs us How to talk Spring and Influence People, a pragmatic lesson on soft skills and technology adoption strategies needed to help get other developers in your company excited about,a nd using, new technology -- in this case, with Spring.
  4. If you're in the bay area, be sure to check out JAXConf happening right now in Santa Clara. Admission is free and there are some great speakers there. I will be speaking there tomorrow on Spring 4, and Multi Client Development with Spring, so feel free to drop by if you'd like to talk Spring, Cloud Foundry and big-data.
  5. You probably saw Paul Chapman's awesome posts introducing Spring MVC's support for content negotiation last month and this month he's back with a post on content negotiation using Spring MVC views. Be sure to check both of them out, as they provide solid foundations for dealing with content negotiation in the ever increasing paradigm of REST.
  6. Our friend Petri Kainulainen continues his look at Spring Data SOLR and explains how to add custom repository methods to the implementations above and beyond what Spring Data already provides out of the box. This example is in the context of Spring Data SOLR but the approach is generic and works for all the repository implementations.
  7. RabbitMQ ninja Alvaro Videla has done an amazing job introducing RabbitMQ's power in the latest edition of Developer Magazine.
  8. Every now and then I run into old but cool content, like this project demonstrating how to build a Spring MVC application with Scala. As you might imagine, there's not much difference between Scala and Java, but this is nonetheless an interesting example. Check it out.
  9. I've been knee deep in REST, in preparation for my upcoming webinar, and I stumbled upon a great, albeit older, post by Apache Shiro PMC member and REST-ninja Lez Hazelwood on providing good client feedback on errors with REST in Spring MVC.
  10. Spring HATEOAS lead and Spring Data ninja Oliver Gierke did an amazing talk introducing Spring HATEOAS at Oredev last year and it's available online. Definitely be sure to check it out!
  11. Our pal Nicolas Fränkel is back, this time with a short rant on how to approach modularity in Spring configuration.
  12. JavaBeat has a nice post on how to handle themes in Spring MVC.
  13. The BitwiseOR blog has a nice post on how to setup a simple, working Spring MVC application.
  14. Alexey Zvolinskiy put together a nice, complete-with-code, post on how to use Spring Data JPA to build an application.
  15. David, from The small world for Yiyi blog, has put together a nice post on using PDF, XML and JSON from Spring MVC.
  16. Our pal Johnathan Mark Smith is back, this time with another video introducing how to use Spring's Java configuration

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