Webinar: Introducing Reactor - A framework for asynchronous applications on the JVM

News | Pieter Humphrey | June 26, 2013 | ...

The sheer volume of non-human-generated data in modern applications can easily overtake a traditional single-threaded, blocking design model. Reactor aims to address this volume, by providing a foundational framework for JVM applications -- applications that need high throughput when performing reasonably small chunks of stateless, asynchronous processing. Join Jon Brisbin as he discusses the motivations behind the project, the design patterns and existing technology that inspired the project, and how it fits in the asynchronous ecosystem today, as a teaser to his upcoming session at SpringOne 2GX 2013.

About the speaker

Chris Harris

Jon Brisbin

Jon works with the Spring Data, Grails, RabbitMQ, and other teams to provide next-generation data and messaging capabilities for modern Ajax and mobile applications. He's been working with Spring Data to provide mapping capabilities for NoSQL databases like MongoDB and Riak and he's working with RabbitMQ and NoSQL to provide modern evented and message-driven data utilities. He authored the Grails support for Riak as well as contributes Erlang-based utilities for the Riak and RabbitMQ communities. Prior to SpringSource, Jon developed private cloud architectures at the world's largest Pizza Hut franchisee, developed Lotus Domino, J2EE, PHP and even Perl CGI applications in BBEdit on an aged Mac, and got his start in web-based development 15 years ago, as an intelligence analyst for the US Air Force, when NCSA Mosaic 1.0 was cool

More About Jon »

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