This Week in Spring - July 30, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | July 31, 2013 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring! As usual, we've got a lot to cover so let's get to it. Don't forget that SpringOne 2GX 2013 early bird expires August 9th, so hurry to secure the discounted rate!

  1. Spring framework committer Rossen Stoyanchev has a great post on Spring Framework 4.0 M2's support for WebSocket Messaging Architectures.
  2. Spring Shell lead Dr. Mark Pollack has announced that Spring Shell 1.0.1.M1 has just been released.
  3. Spring Batch 2.2.1.RELEASE is now available. This release is mostly bug fixes and documentation improvements.
  4. I don't know if you've been following along, but we're starting to really flesh out the SpringOne2GX 2013 schedule! I'm looking forward to both seeing, and presenting, at many different talks this year. One talk I'd like to see is Thymeleaf: improving your Spring view layer with natural templates. I expect this year will be a very exciting year for a number of reasons, and I hope you'll share the experience with us.
  5. We've added some more SpringOne talks recently:
  6. Our pal Tobias Flohre has put together a nice post comparing how the JSR 352 API compares to the Spring Batch. Spring Batch 3.0 will be fully JSR 352 API compliant this fall by SpringOne, but was the inspiration for the JSR in the first place -- Spring Batch 1.0 was released in 2008 and has been gathering steam ever since.
  7. Want to learn more about Spring Scala? Watch Spring Scala lead talk about it at ScalaDays New York.
  8. As I mentioned last week, you'd do well to also follow This Week in Cloud Foundry, which has a lot of great content following last week's large announcement of a partnership between Pivotal and IBM.
  9. The Reactor project lead by John Brisbin has just announced support for a @EnableReactor annotation for Spring Java configuration.
  10. ..Speaking of Thymeleaf (the open source, Spring MVC, HTML5 and Tiles-friendly view and templating engine), version 2.1 will have parameterizable fragments. Do you want to test them? Try the 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT version when specifying your Maven repository-compatible coordinates.
  11. Our friend Johnathan Mark Smith is at it again, this time with a video on using Spring Data MongoDB. Definitely worth a look.
  12. Check out a webinar next month taming coupling & cohesive problems with modularity and Spring with Param Rengaiah.

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