This Week in Spring - Aug 13th, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | August 13, 2013 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring. As usual, we've got a lot to cover, so let's get to it!

  1. The How to do in Java blog has a nice post on how to setup Siteminder pre-authentication using Spring Security 3.
  2. Another great SpringOne2GX 2013 session's just been added to the SpringOne2GX 2013 lineup, Real Time Analytics with Spring. This talk introduces one use case for Project Reactor, a foundation for asynchronous applications on the JVM.
  3. Andy Clement has just cut a new release of AspectJ, 1.8.0.M1, which will be used in Spring 4 and support Java 8. It is available through the SpringSource Maven repository as 1.8.0.M1. It is also in today's release of AJDT for Eclipse 4.3.
  4. The GoPivotal blog has an in-depth look at Apache Tomcat 8. Definitely worth a look!
  5. Eberhard Wolff has put together a very nice video on using the recently announced Spring Boot. Nice job, Eberhard! (as usual)
  6. Our pal Petri Kainulainen has written a very cool post on unit testing Spring MVC REST APIs.
  7. The Being Java Guys blog has a code-heavy post on how to do file uploads with Spring MVC. Nice job!
  8. This post from the Matthew's Thoughts! blog explains a simple Spring REST starter project that demonstrates how to use regular Spring Security to add a username and password-based authentication with a Spring MVC-powered REST service.
  9. The Code with Zen Mind blog has a nice series on building and testing Spring MVC applications. The first post introduces how to setup a test-driven project. The second post demonstrates how to do refactoring and how to introduce new test cases. The third post demonstrates how to use the tests established in the first two posts to survice a major refactoring (the implementation of the service under test changes). Really insightful!
  10. This post from the public static void blog() blog introduces how Spring's logging layering works. The post is in what Google Translate insists is Slovak, however, the translation was pretty good and - if we're honest - the diagrams are quite explanatory by themselves! Good stuff. Take a look, and - if possible - a read.
  11. The 1.5 version of the Cloud Foundry integration for Eclipse, which supports pushing applications to Pivotal Cloud Foundry organizations and spaces, using new Cloud Foundry services, and incrementally updating applications from Spring Tool Suite. The new integration may be installed from the STS dashboard or using the update site in the Help > Install New Software menu.

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