This Week in Spring - October 8th, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | October 07, 2013 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring

I spent the weekend at the amazing Silicon Valley Code Camp event. It was an amazing event. People who visited the Pivotal booth got a chance to play with Spring Boot. People versed in Java, iOS, Python, .NET, Objective-C, and more all used Spring Boot to setup a RESTful service in a matter of minutes. To be honest, I found the results ("Wow! I didn't know you could do that!") both amusing and very satisfying! People are really getting into Spring Boot.

  1. Speaking of Boot, did you miss Phil Webb's Spring Boot webinar? If so, don't worry! You can watch it online!
  2. Roy Clarkson's announced the availability of Spring Mobile 1.1.0! The new release - as many of you know from having followed this roundup - features improved device detection in LiteDeviceResolver, tablet support in SitePreference and SiteSwitcher, a Java-based configuration API, and LiteDeviceDelegatingViewResolver. Nice!
  3. Martin Lippert's just announced the latest and greatest cuts of the Spring Tool Suite and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (3.4.0) which feature - among many other things - support for following the Getting Started Guides on the home of Spring - These releases also see updated support for Grails 2.2.4, and tc Server 2.9.3.
  4. For more, check out the new & noteworthy. Both tool suites ship on top of the latest Eclipse Kepler SR1 release. The next version (3.5.0) is scheduled to arrive in March 2014, shortly after the Eclipse Kepler SR2 (4.3.2) release.
  5. Did you miss the amazing Platform CF conference? Don't fret, the videos of the show are trickling up online. Ashwin Kumar, a principal Software Engineer at Pivotal, did a great job introducing Pivotal HD as a Cloud Foundry Service. Pivotal HD is the world's fastest Hadoop distribution, leveraging the mature SQL query engine known as HAWQ.
  6. Not strictly Spring related, but there's a nice post on the GoPivotal blog on analyzing retail data using HAWQ and Madlib, the analytics (and machine learning!) engine originally part of Greenplum and now available to HAWK users. Nice post! This whole stack integrates nicely through Spring XD, of course, but even if it didn't, that's a really cool use case!
  7. Did you miss SpringOne2GX 2013? Check out the first night's keynote featuring Pivotal CEO Paul Maritz, Adrian Colyer, David Syer, Juergen Hoeller, Chris Beams and Edward Hieatt!
  8. Check out the replay of Param Rengaiah's webinar, Taming Coupling and Cohesive Beasts with Modularity Patterns and Spring!
  9. Are you looking for the downloadable .zip distributions for Spring? We'll make them easier to find on our new site soon, but in the meantime, simply visit the Artifactory repository and type in spring-framework in the search field. Dig a bit and you'll find it. This a more direct link.

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