This Week in Spring - October 22nd, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | October 22, 2013 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week, I'm in Singapore to talk to developers about the latest and greatest coming out of the Spring group at Pivotal as part of my participation in the Pivotal APJ Summit.

  1. Spring lead Juergen Hoeller will be doing a webinar called Modern Component Design with Spring on October 24th (2 days from now!) Be sure to be there, it's going to be awesome!
  2. On November 19th, I'll join C24 CEO John Davies for a talk, Dynamic Routing at 1 Million Per Second with Spring Integration where we'll discuss how to scale processing with C24's excellent integration technology and Spring Integration
  3. Join me on November 21st for a webinar introducing the latest and greatest coming out of the Spring family as part of Pivotal
  4. Our friend Xavier Padro is back at it again! This time, he's got a blog on using Spring Integration's RMI Channel Adapters
  5. Spring Data ninja Oliver Gierke has put up the slides to his talk on developing for Spring as part of Pivotal, looking at the tools and methodologies employed. This is a great read if you've ever wanted a look inside the chocolate factory..
  6. Spring Data ninja Oliver Gierke has put together a nice response to the question, "what is the difference between Spring HATEOAS and SpringData REST?" Nice question and great answer!
  7. Our pal Petri Kainulainen is at again, this time with a nice tutorial on Sping Data Solr.
  8. Groovy & Grails is now a 4-day class, see the full training program here .
  9. The JavaBeat blog has a nice introduction to how to use the @RequestHeader annotation in Spring MVC. Check it out!
  10. The Java Papers blog has a nice post on how to use a Spring MVC Handler Interceptor.
  11. The InterTech bkig has a nice post introducing Spring MVC's @SesssionAttribute.

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