This Week in Spring (Spring 4 Edition!) - December 17th, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | December 17, 2013 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week, well, I'm taking some vacation :) That, of course, means that this week's roundup was even more fun for me - I got to play with the just-released Spring 4! And, to sweeten my vacation, the steady stream of new releases based on Spring 4.0 from the other Spring projects has already started!

If you're using Spring (Spring 4, Spring Boot, and anything else) and have some great new blog, video or sample project you think people should see, don't hesitate to share it with me on Twitter! Matt Raible has already made a helpful blog post: A Webapp Makeover with Spring 4 and Spring Boot where he upgrades his existing Spring 3.2.5, Spring Security 3.1.4 and Jersey 1.18 app to run Spring Framework 4 and Spring Boot.

  1. First, the BIG news! Spring CTO Adrian Colyer just announced that Spring 4 has gone GA! If you, like me, have been eagerly awaiting this all year, then don't wait a second longer! Grab those bits as soon as you can. Spring 4, of course, is the first major-version increment since Spring 3.0 back in 2009, and represents a major leap forward for application developers. Join Juergen Hoeller (and many other engineers) on January 9, 2014 for the launch webinar: Introduction to Spring Framework 4.0.
  2. Concurrent with the Spring 4 release, we've just added several new guides to the insanely popular Getting Started guides collection. Among the new guides, you'll find help on CORS, jQuery-, Sencha-, Angular.js-integration, and much more!
  3. Rob Winch followed very shortly after, announcing that Spring Security 3.2.0 RELEASE is available! Now, I'm going to finally update the code to my talk on using Spring's REST stack, along with Spring Security and Spring Security OAuth, to the new revision! Join Rob on January 16th, 2014 for a talk focused on the new release of Spring Security 3.2.
  4. Once Spring 4 was released, Spring Integration lead Gary Russell wasted no time in getting the long-awaited Spring Integration 3.0 out the door! This new release features many new improvements, which were mostly covered in the release candidate announcement.
  5. Projects lead Martin Lippert has just announced that Spring Tool Suite and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.5.0.M1 are now available. This update revs to Groovy 2.2, Grails 2.3.4, and tc Server 2.9.4, and advanced content-assist for Spring Boot projects, improved dashboard feeds, and support for the new client-side getting started guides. This cut builds on Eclipse Kepler SR1. Check it out!
  6. Spring Data project lead Oliver Gierke has just announced the latest Spring Data release train, Spring Data Babbage SR2, has just been released. The service release bundles a bunch of important enhancements and bug fixes and is a recommended upgrade. You can find all issues fixed in this release in our JIRA
  7. Spring ninja Greg Turnquist put together a very nice look at the aforementioned Getting Started guides' migration to Asciidotor, behind the scenes.
  8. Spring ninja and Boot co-lead Phil Webb and I did a talk, Improving Your Java Configuration Muscle Memory, for SpringOne2GX 2013, which is now available as a replay on our YouTube channel. Check it out!
  9. Patrick Grimard's written a post introducing how to setup a Spring MVC interceptor to handle CORS requests. For more details on the subject of CORS, check out our Understanding CORS page, and then check out our new Getting Started guide which shows a Servlet Filter-centric alternative approach to basically do the same thing. This builds on Spring Boot, and uses a Filter instead of an interceptor, but the effect is the same.
  10. Our pal Bozhidar Bozhanov has written a great post all about web sockets, which of course work great with Spring 4!, complete with slides and codes! Be sure to check it out! This post uses a more low level approach to websockets, which Spring also supports, where all messages get funneled through one handler. Me personally, I like using the higher level STOMP support to avoid having to funnel all requests through the same handler, and then picking each request apart with a switch statement. Either way, this is a great post and - because it's lower level - gives you a better understanding of what's happening underneath the hood. Check it out!
  11. With a new release comes updated Maven artifacts. Last week, I mentioned that Spring 4 now features a very handy bill of materials Maven pom.xml. You should use that to simplify things. Additionally, if you're a BinTray user, be aware that the new release is already available there, as well.

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