SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Hadoop 201 -- Deeper into the Elephant

News | Pieter Humphrey | January 26, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speaker: Roman Shaposhnik

Big Data Track

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/hadoop-201-deeper-into-the-elephant

This session expands on the previous year's "Hadoop: Just the Basics for Big Data Rookies", diving deeper into the details of key Apache Hadoop projects. We will start with a brief recap of HDFS and MapReduce, then discuss more advanced features of HDFS, in addition to how YARN has enabled businesses to massively scale their systems beyond what was previously possible. We will then discuss Apache HBase, the non-relational database modeled after Google's BIg table, review the data model, architecture, and common use cases. By the end of this session, you will learn how these three core Hadoop projects are used to solve even the most challenging Big Data problems.


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