Webinar Replay: Introducing the Java DSL for Spring Integration

News | Pieter Humphrey | February 10, 2015 | ...

Webinar: Introducing the Java DSL for Spring Integration

Speaker: Gary Russell

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/garyrussell/spring-integration-java-dsl-a-deeper-dive

The Spring Integration JavaConfig and DSL extension provides a set of convenient Builders and a fluent API to configure Spring Integration message flows from Spring @Configuration classes. The Java DSL for Spring Integration is essentially a facade for Spring Integration. The DSL provides a simple way to embed Spring Integration Message Flows into your application using the fluent Builder pattern together with existing Java and Annotation configurations from Spring Framework and Spring Integration as well. Another useful tool to simplify configuration is Java 8 Lambdas.

Learn more about Spring Integration: http://projects.spring.io/spring-integration

Learn more about Spring XD: http://projects.spring.io/spring-xd

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