Webinar Replay: A Single-Page Application with Spring Security and Angular JS

News | Pieter Humphrey | March 14, 2015 | ...

Speaker: Dr. David Syer, Pivotal

Slides: http://presos.dsyer.com/decks/spring-security-angular.html

Spring Security, Spring Boot and Angular JS all have nice features for making it really easy to produce modern applications, so there is potentially a lot of value in making them work together very smoothly. Things to consider are cookies, headers, native clients, various security vulnerabilities and how modern browser technology can help us to avoid them. In this session we show how nice features of the component frameworks can be integrated simply to provide a pleasant and secure user experience. We start with a very basic single-server implementation and scale it up in stages, splitting out backend resources and authentication to separate services. The final state includes a simple API Gateway on the front end implemented declaratively using Spring Cloud, and using this we are able to neatly sidestep a lot of the problems people encounter securing a javascript front end with a distributed back end.

Learn about about Spring Security at http://projects.spring.io/spring-security

Learn about about Spring Cloud at http://projects.spring.io/spring-cloud


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