This Year in Spring - December 29, 2015

Engineering | Josh Long | December 29, 2015 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring where, with 2016 just around the corner, we'll look at some interesting news from the last week and we'll take a moment to review another amazing year in the Spring and Pivotal ecosystem.

Now let's look at an short-and-sweet list of the latest-and-greatest from the last week:

It's helpful to keep things in perspective; while every week has brought us something interesting, some things stand above the rest and are worth revision here, in This Year in Spring.

  • in April of this year, we announced Spring Cloud 1.0 complete with support for service registration and discovery, client-side load-balancing, circuit breakers, microproxies, and so much more. Spring Cloud builds on Spring Boot and has been embraced wholeheartedly (and publicly) by the likes of Netflix, TicketMaster, Alibaba, and many more.
  • just before SpringOne2GX 2015, we announced Spring Cloud Data Flow, the decomposition of the technology in Spring XD into small, Spring Boot-based microservices and auto-configuration. Spring Cloud Data Flow builds on top of Spring Cloud Stream, Spring Data and Spring Batch to easily compose and control big data jobs and streams.
  • Spring Boot 1.3 was released almost a year after the release of Spring Boot 1.2, in November 2014. The release is packed with all sorts of new features including numerous new auto-configurations, strong support development-time conveniences like live reloading and, of course, the amazing color banner ASCII artwork!
  • In November we released the long-awaited Pivotal Cloud Foundry 1.6 which builds on the latest and greatest improvements to the Cloud Foundry OSS code, including the Diego scheduler which supports running Windows- and Docker-based workloads, and adds in the powerful Spring Cloud Services which make it dead simple to standup infrastructure like service registries and configuration services, among other things.
  • We announced MicroPCF, which is the simplest way to get a local-node Pivotal Cloud Foundry-like experience that's familiar for developers and administrators alike

Thanks for tuning in and don't forget to join us again next week where we'll kick off the new year and mark five years of This Week in Spring!

On behalf of the Spring and Pivotal teams, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

** No ninjas were harmed in the making of This Week in Spring

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