Webinar: Spring Boot and Ratpack Web Framework

News | Pieter Humphrey | March 09, 2016 | ...

Speaker: Danny Hyun With the advent of Ratpack and Spring Boot, people think you need to choose between one or the other. That couldn't be further from the truth. The only place where they overlap is in serving web requests. Spring Framework is a very rich ecosystem including but not limited to DI, web mvc, data, security, etc. Ratpack focuses on rapid web app prototyping and iteration balancing low resource utilization, high performance and developer friendliness. We'll explore the ways in which Ratpack and Spring Boot work in harmony.

Thursday, March 31st, 2016 3:00PM London GMT Register

Thursday, March 31st, 2016 10:00AM PST (San Francisco GMT-08:00) Register

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