SpringOne Platform 2016 Replay: 12 Factor, or Cloud Native Apps: What EXACTLY Does that Mean for Spring Developers?

News | Pieter Humphrey | September 12, 2016 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne Platform 2016. Speaker: Thomas Gamble, Home Depot Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/Pivotal/12-factor-or-cloud-native-apps-what-exactly-does-that-mean-for-spring-developers-64853692

Your team is excited about getting started with Spring Boot and Cloud Native, but you're not entirely sure you're ready to have the team continuously delivering to prod using cf push from their local desktops. The freedom of cloud native development can be very empowering for developers, but it shouldn't be something that terrifies the operations and security teams. We'll discuss how you can setup a fast and reliable deployment process, as well as some interesting things to thing about in the future. One of the most well known descriptions of these new paradigms is the Twelve Factor App (12factor.net), which describes elements of cloud native applications. Many of these needs are squarely met through the Spring Framework, others require support from other systems. In this session we will examine each of the twelve factors and present how Spring, and platforms such as Cloud Foundry satisfy them, and in some cases we’ll even suggest that responsibility should shift from Spring to platforms. At the conclusion you will understand what is needed for cloud‐native applications, why and how to deliver on those requirements.

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