Spring Session Data Geode/GemFire 2.0.0.M1 now available.

Engineering | John Blum | July 26, 2017 | ...

Greetings Spring Community!

It is my pleasure to announce the first milestone release of both Spring Session Data Geode for Apache Geode and Spring Session Session Data GemFire for Pivotal GemFire.

Both artifacts can be downloaded from Spring’s libs-milestone Repository using Maven …​


Or with Gradle…​

  compile 'org.springframework.session:spring-session-data-geode:2.0.0.M1'

To use Spring Session with Pivotal GemFire, just switch the artifact from spring-session-data-geode to spring-session-data-gemfire.


Sometime ago, @rob_winch, Spring Session Core creator and project lead, reorganized the Spring Session project by breaking out previously supported data stores into separate modules.

The primary driver for this split was to enable supported Spring Session data store providers to progress independently based on both the community’s as well as customer needs.

Well, Pivotal GemFire was 1 of the supported data stores that was separated from the core Spring Session project. Along with Pivotal GemFire, support for Apache Geode was also under development.

So today rounds out the supported Spring Session data stores to now officially include Apache Geode and Pivotal GemFire, in addition to Redis, MongoDB, JDBC, and Hazelcast, in the 2.0 release line.

In The Release

Both Spring Session Data Geode and Spring Session Data GemFire include the following improvements…​

For instance, to build a Spring Boot application that uses Spring Session Data Geode to manage the HttpSession, all a developer need do is…​

class MyApplication {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication.run(MyApplication.class, args);

Both, Spring Data Geode’s @ClientCacheApplication and Spring Session Data Geode’s @EnableGemFireHttpSession annotations are all that are needed to turn your Spring Boot application into a Geode cache client capable of managing the HTTP Session state by distributing data to a cluster of Geode servers for fast and reliable (replicated) access thereby ensuring your users experience with your application is uninterrupted and first class.

When combined with the power of Pivotal Cloud Foundry’s, Pivotal Cloud Cache tile and the new Session State Caching plan, you have a recipe for success!


If you have feedback on this release, I encourage you to reach out via StackOverflow, GitHub Issues, or via the comments section. You can also ping me @john_blum on Twitter.

Of course the best feedback comes in the form of contributions.

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