Spring Cloud Stream 2.0 - content-type negotiation and transformation

Engineering | Oleg Zhurakousky | February 26, 2018 | ...

This is the first blog in a series of pre-release blogs in preparation for Spring Cloud Stream 2.0.0.RELEASE.


Spring Cloud Stream 2.0 includes a complete revamp of content-type negotiation for the channel-based binders to address performance, flexibility and most importantly consistency. The following blog touches on some of the key points around what has been done, what to expect and how it may help you.


Data transformation is one of the core features of any message-driven microservice architecture. In Spring Cloud Stream, such data is represented as a Spring Message.

At various points of the message flow (a stream), a message may have to be transformed to a desired shape/size before reaching its destination. This is required for two reasons:

1. To convert the contents of the incoming message from the wire format to match the signature of the application-provided handler. 2. To convert the contents of the outgoing message to the signature of the next handler (in the event there is some internal flow) or back to the wire format.

The wire format is typically byte[] and is governed by the binder implementation.

In Spring Cloud Stream Message, transformation is accomplished with a org.springframework.messaging.converter.MessageConverter abstraction.

The following sequence of steps shows a typical message flow and the transformation(s) a Message goes through described using a Processor contract of Spring Cloud Stream essentially covering requirements behind both an inbound and an outbound content transformations.

1. Receive a Spring Message in wire format from the binder 2. Ensure that an input contentType header is set in the Spring Message 3. Convert the Spring Message from the wire format to the signature of the application supplied MessageHandler 4. Invoke the application supplied MessageHandler 5. Convert the return value of the MessageHandler back to the Spring Message 6. Ensure that an output contentType header is set in Spring Message 7. Convert the Spring Message back to the wire format 8. Send the Spring Message in the wire format back to the binder

While the above provides a complete summary of major state changes in the typical message flow, the devil is always in the details, so let's look at each step more closely.


  1. The incoming message is received by the binder and is sent to the binder's input channel (e.g., Processor.INPUT') in the wire format.
  2. The internal input channel is pre-configured with a channel interceptor to inject the incoming message with the contentType header if and only if the incoming message does not already have a contentType header set. This is required to ensure that, if needed, downstream message conversion can take contentType into consideration (more on this later). The injected contentType comes from the content-type set per individual destination binding, with application/json being the default content type.

For example, 'spring.cloud.stream.bindings.myInput.content-type=text/plain' sets the content type to 'text/plain' for the 'myInput' (incoming) destination binding. This means that every incoming message is injected with the 'contentType=text/plain' header unless the message already contains a 'contentType' header. In other words, header-provided contentType supersedes the one set per-binding. 3. Now, with the help of HandlerMethodArgumentResolvers and preconfigured or user-provided MessageConverters, the incoming message is converted to the signature of the application-provided MessageHandler (e.g.,public Text process(Foo foo){..}). Such handler methods are typically annotated with one of @StreamListener, @ServiceActivator, @Transformer, and others. This is where contentType may be required by some of the converters, and action in step 2 guarantees that such message always has it available via its contentType header. Of course, if such method takes Message as its input argument, no conversion is performed. 4. A handler method is invoked and, upon success, the process of creating an outgoing message from the return value of the handler method begins (assumes non-void handler method). 5. The value returned by the handler method is converted back to the Spring Message if and only if the return value is not already a Message. This means that a new Spring Message is created with the payload being the handler's return value. The incoming message's headers are copied into a new outgoing message, stripping away any headers identified by the 'SpringIntegrationProperties.messageHandlerNotPropagatedHeaders'. By default, there is only one header set there - contentType. This means that the new outgoing message is created with no contentType header set. This is to ensure that the contentType can evolve with application-level transformation of the actual data. NOTE: The contentType is only stripped if the handler method returned a non-Message. The message is sent to the binder's output channel. 6. Similar to the binder's input channel, the binder's output channel (e.g., Processor.OUTPUT) is also pre-configured with channel interceptor. This is where we optionally inject a contentType header into an outgoing message in preparation for transforming the content of the outgoing message back to the wire format. Let's look at the only two possible scenarios: a. The outgoing Message has a contentType header set. Since the header-set contentType takes precedence over any other contentType, no contentType injection will be performed and the value of the header-set contentType will be used during the conversion back to the wire format. b. The outgoing Message doesn't have a contentType header set. The binding contentType (default or provided) will be injected as the header into the outgoing message and used during the conversion back to the wire format. 7. The message is converted to the wire format using one of the available MessageConverters. 8. The converted message is sent back to the binder retaining the injected or existing contentType header. In other words, the outgoing message will always have contentType header present.


The above covers the default out-of-the-box behavior. But that may not be enough, so can we and if so how can we customize?. The goal of the content-type negotiation improvements that went into 2.0 was not only to answer these type of questions but to ensure that the answer is consistent - the 'MessageConverters' used by the inbound and outbound channel interceptors to convert to/from wire format are the same 'MessageConverters' used by the 'HandlerMethodArgumentResolvers' to convert to/from strong types.

To add custom a MessageConverter simply create an implementation of the org.springframework.messaging.converter.MessageConverter and configure it as a @Bean and also annotate the bean as @StreamMessageConverter and it will be added as the first converter in the stack of existing MessageConverters essentially taking precedence over the existing MessageConverters.


Hopefully by now it's fairly clear that any and all content-type transformations are done by the MessageConverters. While MessageConverters differ in their implementation most utilize both contentType header as well as the target type (targetClass) which allows them to perform intra-type conversions as well as to/from wire format conversions. Currently there is a set of pre-configured MessageConverters to support majority of the use cases, so for most typical data types (i.e., json, text etc) nothing really needs to be done by the end user. Yet it's worth knowing how things work now vs. how to customize - customize the existing and/or bring new MessageConverter implementation.


We're currently in the process of updating documentation where we'll be including more details and samples around this and many other subjects relevant to the work that went into 2.0, while the goal of these pre-release blogs is to primarily raise the awareness, facilitate the "give it a try" and solicit the feedback. With that said; The Spring Cloud Stream 2.0.0.RC1 is available here

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