Going Reactive with Spring, Coroutines and Kotlin Flow

Engineering | Sébastien Deleuze | April 12, 2019 | ...

Since we announced Spring Framework official support for Kotlin in January 2017, a lot of things happened. Kotlin was announced as an official Android development language at Google I/O 2017, we continued to improve the Kotlin support across Spring portfolio and Kotlin itself has continued to evolve with key new features like coroutines.

I would like to take the opportunity of the first milestone of Spring Framework 5.2 to give a status overview of where we are when it comes to Spring and Kotlin. And I will make my best to focus on concrete improvements since I believe Spring and Kotlin share the same pragmatic mindset.

I think it is all about choices. Choices that we (the Spring team) provide, but also choices that you as application developers have to make when starting a new Spring Boot application. For example:

  • What language should I use?

  • Annotated @Controller or functional style?

  • Spring MVC or WebFlux?

These questions are obviously highly subjective and usually depend on the project context, but I will share my opinionated point of view.

Java or Kotlin?

Java is the obvious default choice, but Kotlin is an increasingly popular alternative. What are the reasons that could make a developer switch from Java to Kotlin? When people ask me, I usually says that Kotlin allows Java developers to leverage their existing skills to write shorter, safer and more expressive code. But to make an educated choice, we should identify more specific points.

My favorite Kotlin feature is that it turns null, the so-called (multiple) "billion-dollar mistake" into a safety feature. The error of Java is not null itself, it is to not manage null explicitly in its type system, leading to issues close to what we can observe in dynamic languages. Kotlin embraces null by using it in its type system to deal with the absence of value. In Kotlin, types like String are not nullable so safe to use without precaution, while types like String? are nullable and should be used with caution. The good news is that Kotlin compiler will raise potential errors at compile time, and you will be able to handle them gracefully with safe calls, elvis operator or execute if not null blocks. And unlike Java Optional, Kotlin null-safety is suitable for input parameters as well and does not force you to use a wrapper that impacts performances and readibility of your code.

DSLs are also another area where Kotlin shines. Gradle Kotlin DSL (support on start.spring.io is just around the corner) is a great example, allowing to use a very rich and flexible API with great discoverability and confidence thanks to Kotlin statically typed nature. Spring Framework provides Kotlin DSLs for bean definition, functional routing and even MockMvc.

I could detail a lot of other good reasons to switch like optional parameters with default values, the great interoperability with Java APIs (like Spring), extension functions, reified type parameters to avoid type erasure, data classes or immutability encouraged by default, but I think you should just learn Kotlin by example eventually helped by the reference documentation and make your own judgement. You can also follow this step by step Spring Boot tutorial with Kotlin.

So let’s say I will choose Kotlin for my next Spring Boot project ;-)

Annotated @Controller or functional style?

As I said in the introduction, choices depend of the context and are a matter of taste. I am a big fan of functional routing with Kotlin given the very nice DSL and functional programming capabilities of this language. I am even working on exploring how we could define Spring Boot application configuration in a functional way via the experimental Kofu DSL for Spring Boot which is incubating in Spring Fu repository.

But today, let’s say my team is composed of developers used to @Controller programming model for years, and that I don’t want to change everything at the same time, so let’s keep @Controller.

Spring MVC or WebFlux?

The choice we propose in term of web framework is the following.

You can continue to use Spring MVC and all the related well known technologies that we continue to improve: Tomcat, JPA, etc. You can even leverage some reactive bits by using WebClient modern API instead of RestTemplate.

But we also provide a reactive stack that includes WebFlux, a web framework based on Reactive Streams for those who want more scalability, a stack immune to latency (useful for microservices-oriented architecture) and better stream processing capabilities. Other parts of the ecosystem like Spring Data and Spring Security provide reactive support as well.

WebFlux with Reactor API in Java

Until now, using Spring reactive stack using WebFlux required a pretty big shift by switching IO related functionalities (web, persistence) from imperative to declarative/functional style by using APIs like Reactor Mono and Flux or RxJava similar types. This disruptive approach provides real advantages compared to imperative programming, but is also very different and requires a non trivial learning curve.

Let’s see what that means with concrete code, and let’s use this opportunity to show you how one can use R2DBC (Reactive Streams based alternative to JDBC) and Spring Data R2DBC to access SQL databases in a reactive way.

If we would have chosen Java, we would have written the following UserRepository class that exposes a reactive API to access SQL databases using the DatabaseClient API provided by Spring Data R2DBC.

class UserRepository {

	private final DatabaseClient client;

	public UserRepository(DatabaseClient client) {
		this.client = client;

	public Mono<Long> count() {
		return client.execute().sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users")

	public Flux<User> findAll() {
		return client.select().from("users").as(User.class).fetch().all();

	public Mono<User> findOne(String id) {
		return client.execute()
			.sql("SELECT * FROM users WHERE login = :login")
			.bind("login", id).as(User.class).fetch().one();

	public Mono<Void> deleteAll() {
		return client.execute().sql("DELETE FROM users").then();

	public Mono<Void> save(User user) {
		return client.insert().into(User.class).table("users")

	public Mono<Void> init() {
		return client.execute().sql("CREATE TABLE ...").then()
			.then(save(new User("smaldini", "Stéphane", "Maldini")))
			.then(save(new User("sdeleuze", "Sébastien", "Deleuze")))
			.then(save(new User("bclozel", "Brian", "Clozel")));


Saving the users could have been done in a fork-join way because these operations do not depend on each other, but for the sake of this comparison I use sequential operations chained with then().

You can see that in such API, void becomes Mono<Void>, User becomes Mono<User>. This allows to use them in a non-blocking way and provide access to a rich set of operators. But it also makes it mandatory to use Mono wrapper and significantly change how you use these API. For example if some operations need to be done sequentially like in the init() method which is straightforward with imperative code, here we have to build a declarative pipeline with the then operator.

Flux<User> provides more added value since it allows to process the incoming users as a stream while usage of List<User> as typically used in a blocking stack implies loading all the data in memory before processing it. Notice we could also have used Mono<List<User>> here.

On controller side, you can see that Spring WebFlux supports natively these reactive types, and you can also see another characteristic of Reactive Streams based API where exceptions are mostly used as an error signal carried by the reactive type instead of being thrown like in regular imperative code.

public class UserController {

	private final UserRepository userRepository;

	public UserController(UserRepository userRepository) {
		this.userRepository = userRepository;

	public Flux<User> findAll() {
		return userRepository.findAll();

	public Mono<User> findOne(@PathVariable String id) {
		return userRepository
				new CustomException("This user does not exist");

	public Mono<Void> save(User user) {
		return userRepository.save(user);

WebFlux with coroutines API in Kotlin

It is important to understand that Spring reactive support has been built on top of Reactive Streams with interoperability in mind, and that Reactor is used for 2 different purpose:

  • It is the Reactive Streams implementation that we use everywhere in Spring reactive infrastructure

  • It is also the default reactive public API exposed

But Spring reactive support has been designed from its inception to adapt easily to other asynchronous or reactive APIs like CompletableFuture, RxJava 2, and now coroutines. In that case we still leverage Reactor internally, adapting at public API level to a different end user reactive API.

It is of course perfectly fine to continue to use Flux and Mono in Kotlin if you prefer this approach, but Spring Framework 5.2 introduces a new major feature: we can now use Kotlin coroutines to leverage Spring reactive stack in a more imperative way.

Coroutines are Kotlin lightweight threads allowing to write non-blocking code in an imperative way. On language side, suspending functions identified by the suspend keyword provide an abstraction for asynchronous operations while on library side kotlinx.coroutines provides functions likes async { } and types like Flow which is Flux equivalent in coroutines world.

Coroutines support is enabled when kotlinx-coroutines-core and kotlinx-coroutines-reactor dependencies are in the classpath:


dependencies {

So what look like UserRepository and UserController written in Kotlin instead of Java and using coroutines and Flow instead or Mono and Flux?

class UserRepository(private val client: DatabaseClient) {

	suspend fun count(): Long =
		client.execute().sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users")

	fun findAll(): Flow<User> =

	suspend fun findOne(id: String): User? =
			.sql("SELECT * FROM users WHERE login = :login")
			.bind("login", id).asType<User>()

	suspend fun deleteAll() =
		client.execute().sql("DELETE FROM users").await()

	suspend fun save(user: User) =

	suspend fun init() {
		client.execute().sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (login varchar PRIMARY KEY, firstname varchar, lastname varchar);").await()
		save(User("smaldini", "Stéphane", "Maldini"))
		save(User("sdeleuze", "Sébastien", "Deleuze"))
		save(User("bclozel", "Brian", "Clozel"))

You can see here that instead of returning for example Mono<User>, we return User (or more exactly its nullable variant User?) in a suspending function that can be used in an imperative way. The differences in init() method implementation illustrate that pretty well since we now use regular imperative code instead of chained then invocations.

But wait, how can I use coroutines directly on the DatabaseClient type which is a reactive API based on Mono and Flux? This is made possible because Spring Data R2DBC also provides Kotlin extensions (see for example this one) which allows you to add coroutines based methods on DatabaseClient once imported. By convention, suspending methods are prefixed by await or suffixed by AndAwait and get a similar name to their Mono based counterparts.

Now let’s have a deeper look to this Flow<User> return type. First, be aware that we are referring to kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow, not java.util.concurrent.Flow which is Reactive Streams container type provided with Java 9+.

You will use Flow API like you use Java 8+ Stream or its Kotlin equivalent Sequence, but the huge difference is that it is suitable for asynchronous operations and manages backpressure. So it is Flux equivalent in coroutines world, suitable for hot or cold stream, finite or infinite streams, with the following main differences:

  • Flow is push-based while Flux is push-pull hybrid

  • Backpressure is implemented via suspending functions

  • Flow has only a single suspending collect method and operators are implemented as extensions

  • Operators are easy to implement thanks to coroutines

  • Extensions allow to add custom operators to Flow

  • Collect operations are suspending functions

  • map operator supports asynchronous operation (no need for flatMap) since it takes a suspending function parameter

Now let’s have a look to the coroutines version of the controller:

class UserController(private val userRepository: UserRepository) {

	fun findAll(): Flow<User> =

	suspend fun findOne(@PathVariable id: String): User? =
		userRepository.findOne(id) ?:
			throw CustomException("This user does not exist")

	suspend fun save(user: User) =

Again you can see that the code is very close of regular imperative code that we would have used with Spring MVC.

In addition to providing coroutines extensions to Flux and Mono based APIs like WebClient, ServerRequest or ServerResponse, Spring WebFlux now supports natively suspending functions and Flow return types for annotated @Controller classes.

Asynchronous operations with imperative code

Let’s leverage WebClient coroutines extensions to see how we can chain asynchronous calls. We are going to request a remote HTTP endpoint to get additional UserDetail1 and UserDetail2.

class UserWithDetailsController(
		private val userRepository: UserRepository,
		private val client: WebClient) {

	fun findAll(): Flow<UserWithDetails> =

	suspend fun findOne(@PathVariable id: String): UserWithDetails {
		val user: User = userRepository.findOne(id) ?:
			throw CustomException("This user does not exist")
		return withDetails(user)

	private suspend fun withDetails(user: User): UserWithDetails {
		val userDetail1 = client.get().uri("/userdetail1/${user.login}")
		val userDetail2 = client.get().uri("/userdetail2/${user.login}")
		return UserWithDetails(user, userDetail1, userDetail2)

Here we are using WebClient coroutines extensions like awaitExchange() and awaitBody() to perform asynchronous and non-blocking operations in a purely imperative way. And since Flow map operator takes a suspending function parameter, we can perform such operation in it, no need for flatMap here like we would done it with reactive APIs in Java.

Parallel decomposition

As seen previously, coroutines are sequential by default, but they can also be used to perform operations in parallel. Let’s refactor our previous example to perform the 2 remote calls concurrently.

class UserWithDetailsController(
		private val userRepository: UserRepository,
		private val client: WebClient) {

	fun findAll(): Flow<UserWithDetails> =

	suspend fun findOne(@PathVariable id: String): UserWithDetails {
		val user: User = userRepository.findOne(id) ?:
			throw CustomException("This user does not exist")
		return withDetails(user)

	private suspend fun withDetails(user: User): UserWithDetails = coroutineScope {
		val asyncDetail1 = async {
		val asyncDetail2 = async {
		UserWithDetails(user, asyncDetail1.await(), asyncDetail2.await())

Here we leverage structured concurrency to trigger parallel retrieval of the 2 user details by creating Deferred<UserDetail1> and Deferred<UserDetail2> instances via the async {} builder, then we wait completion of these by calling the 2 await() methods that will return the UserDetail1 and UserDetail2 instances when available.


I think using Spring reactive stack with such coroutines and Kotlin Flow APIs provides an interesting trade-of between imperative and declarative approaches. It allows to leverage WebFlux and Spring Data reactive scalability and features in a very approachable way.

Coroutines support in Spring WebFlux and Spring Data will be available as part of the upcoming Spring Boot 2.2 release. You can read the reference documentation and can expect further improvements like coroutines support for RSocket @MessageMapping endpoints and RSocketRequester extensions. Spring Data Moore will also provide similar coroutines extensions on Spring Data MongoDB, Cassandra and Redis. And Spring Data may provide support for coroutines repositories at some point. We are also going to make Reactor and coroutines context interoperable to support security and reactive transactions.

I would like to finish by saying thank you to many talented engineers without whom all of this would not have been possible:

  • Roman Elizarov and Vsevolod Tolstopyatov from Kotlin team for their incredible work on coroutines and Flow

  • Konrad Kaminski for the initial community driven coroutines support for Spring

  • Jake Wharton for its early prototyping around unifying Rx and coroutines

  • Stéphane Maldini and David Karnok for their inspirational work

  • Juergen Hoeller, Rossen Stoyanchev and Brian Dussault for their confidence

  • Mark Paluch and Oliver Drotbohm for their support on the persistence side

As usual, I am looking forward for feedback, as well as Kotlin team on Flow API since it is still in preview mode. Come to see my upcoming talks at Devoxx France, JAX, Spring I/O or Sunny Tech to know more.


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