First milestone of Reactor 2020.0 (Codename Europium)

Engineering | Simon Baslé | July 10, 2020 | ...

Earlier this month, we released a first milestone of Reactor 2020.0. This cycle, codename Europium, follows the Dysprosium one (which included reactor-core 3.3.x and reactor-netty 0.9.x).

It includes reactor-core 3.4.0 and reactor-netty 1.0.0.

In this blog post, we'll cover a few highlights of the reactor-core milestone, and briefly mention what's in store for M2.

For reactor-netty, we'll link to a separate blog post here as soon as it is out.

Note also that there is a new versioning scheme in place, which has been adopted accross the Spring portfolio: see the reference guide and this blog post.

Changes around Processor

The main change in core is a long overdue effort around Processor implementations in Reactor and how they are exposed.

This is the main focus of reactor-core 3.4.0-M1, and the goal is to phase out usage of the concrete flavor of FluxProcessor (and to some extent MonoProcessor).

Processor is an interface from Reactive Streams, originally intended as a way to represent a "step" in a reactive pipeline that could be shared between libraries.But these days, operators are largely directly implemented as Publisher/Subscriber pairs, so in Reactor processors end up covering different use cases (most often, multicasting from one Publisher to multiple Subscriber).

So most often, users are looking at processors as a way to "manually create a Flux": rather than connecting a Processor to a parent publisher (aka using it as a Subscriber), they directly call its onNext/onComplete/onError methods. This is unfortunately a problematic approach, because such calls MUST be made in a way that conforms to the Reactive Streams specification, meaning that they need to be externally synchronized.

Historically, this has been alleviated by the introduction of the sink() method on FluxProcessor. The idea was that if you want to use the FluxProcessor in a manual way like this, you would need to instantiate the processor flavor you want, then call its sink() method ONCE and use the resulting FluxSink from there on to trigger signals to subscribers. Downstream, the FluxProcessor itself is exposed (as a Flux on which operators can be composed).

This is still problematic from a discoverability standpoint, because the "right way" of cattering to the most common use case is the hardest to come up with.

With 3.4.0, we intend to turn that around and put the Sink usage pattern in the spotlight as the first class citizen, and make the Processor usage pattern harder to accidentally discover or misuse.

This first milestone makes a first step towards that by:

  • deprecating all concrete implementations of FluxProcessor, which are now slated for removal in 3.5.0
  • exposing a Sinks utility class that bears factory methods for sinks aimed to be manually triggered

In M1 the flavors of processors are still there but the factory methods have been copied over the Processors class, but that is already being reworked in M2. We intend to move the choice of flavors on Sinks instead in M2. There would then be a way to turn a Sink into a FluxProcessor from there on, removing the need for Processors in M2.

Migrating away from concrete processors in M1

In M1, all factory methods on concrete xxxProcessor (eg. UnicastProcessor.create()) have been moved to either Processors for the base case or Processors.more() for the overloads that allow finer tuning. The methods distinguish flavors by prefixes:

  • UnicastProcessor -> Processors.unicast() and Processors.more().unicast(...)
  • EmitterProcessor -> Processors.multicast() and Processors.more().multicast(...)
  • DirectProcessor -> Processors.more().multicastNoBackpressure()
  • ReplayProcessor -> Processors.replayAll()/replay(int)/replayTimeout(Duration)/replaySizeAndTimeout(int, Duration) and similar methods on Processors.more()

All these processors conceptually have the same input and output type <T>, so they are FluxProcessor<T,T>. A convenience interface FluxIdentityProcessor<T> has been introduced in M1 but it doesn't bring much other than reducing the number of generics, so it might be removed in M2.

But rather than using a FluxProcessor from Processors, we said one should favor using Sinks. In this scenario, one would get a sink first and turn it into a Flux or Mono for the rest of the application to compose upon, like in the below example:

//you get the sink first and foremost
StandaloneFluxSink<Integer> sink = Sinks.multicast();

//this is what the rest of the application sees and uses
Flux<Integer> flux = sink.asFlux(); -> i * 10).subscribe();
flux.filter(i -> i % 2 == 0).subscribe();

//this is how you push data to the subscribers through the sink (thread safe);;;;

Note that the class currently offers less variants than Processors, but this is being reconsidered for M2.

Deprecations and Removals

Several classes that were deprecated back in 3.3.0 have been removed:

  • TopicProcessor
  • WorkQueueProcessor

The Schedulers.boundedElastic() has been out since 3.3.0 and we think we can now deprecate its ancestor, elastic(), rather than just recommend using boundedElastic over elastic.

Further down the road, in 3.5.0, the elastic Scheduler will be removed.

Reactor-Netty is hitting 1.0

There is much much to cover here, which we'll do in a separate blog post.


Please try out the M1!

We're already making further changes to sinks and processors in M2, along with other themes like Context operators, avoiding thrown exceptions in subscribe and improving the story around metrics.

As always, feedback for both M1 and current M2 snapshots is very welcome.

In the meantime, happy reactive coding ! The Reactor Team.

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