Spring Cloud Open Service Broker 3.2.0 Released

Releases | Roy Clarkson | November 30, 2020 | ...

We are pleased to announce the general availability of Spring Cloud Open Service Broker 3.2.0. Version 3.2.0 is upgraded to Spring Boot 2.3, and addresses a few issues related to OSB API v2.15 support. It is feature compatible with the 3.1.2 release, and includes the following:

  • Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.3.6.RELEASE (#310)
  • Return HTTP 400 Bad Request for unknown instance in last operation (#306)
  • Fix MaintenanceInfo.toString (#301 via @gberche-orange)
  • Replace dependency management plugin with Gradle platform dependencies (#298)
  • Add MaintenanceInfo to CreateServiceInstanceRequest and UpdateServiceInstanceRequest (#290)
  • Return the operation in the HTTP 202 response body when an async operation is in progress and another request is received for the same service instance (#284)
  • Update Gradle build to use native Gradle facilities for publishing artifacts (#280)
  • Update javadoc to better reflect the OSBA spec (#279 via @mateusz-stefanski)

Include the following Spring Boot starter:





Spring Cloud Open Service Broker is a framework for building Spring Boot applications that implement the Open Service Broker API. The Open Service Broker API project allows developers to deliver services to applications running within cloud native platforms such as Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, and OpenShift.

Project Page | GitHub | Reference Doc | API Doc

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