Engineering | Josh Long | January 11, 2021 | ...

Welcome to another installment of You May Not Need Another Library For That (YMNNALFT)! I've spent a lot of time since 2016 illuminating (or trying to, anyway!) some of the more enormous opportunities in the Spring ecosystem in my Spring Tips videos. Today, however, I come to you in a different spirit, wanting to focus on the little, sometimes hidden, gems that do fantastic things and that might spare you an additional third-party dependency and its implied complexity.

Today we're going to look at an all-in-one, handy dandy HTTP client, the WebClient.

HTTP services are a common source of data. The web is an existence proof of the scalability and resilience of HTTP, and it makes a very compelling case for constraints on HTTP, like REST, when building network services. If HTTP is the lingua franca of the open web, then we must ask questions in HTTP.

There are some great libraries out there (like Apache HttpComponents Client and OkHttp) that work in much the same way. If you haven't got a particular one in mind but want a world-class option and are already using Spring, you could use the non-blocking, Netty-based HTTP client in Spring Webflux, the WebClient.

The WebClient is the reactive, non-blocking alternative to the RestTemplate. I love the WebClient because it is non-blocking: the client thread used to make the network request won't get hung up waiting for a network service response. This implies much better scalability - threads are free to be used for something else. I also love the WebClient because it uses the Reactive Streams APIs, making composition much easier. We just saw some of that in the last example.

You can use the WebClient to talk to any old HTTP endpoint, not just those written using non-blocking or reactive APIs on the server-side. And, even better, you can use the WebClient even in otherwise non-reactive code. What if - and just hear me out here - what if somebody wanted to use the WebClient but couldn't use the full reactive Spring web stack?

Search me! I can't imagine why you'd not want to use the reactive HTTP stack. That's OK even if you don't because there's still a lot of value in using the WebClient all by its lonesome. You could use the WebClient to make one or more HTTP calls and then concurrently compose the results. It's ideal for easy scatter-gather kinds of composition. This is a natural thing to want to do even if you're not otherwise using a reactive HTTP runtime, as might be the case if you're running in a Servlet environment.

You'll need the following dependencies to get the WebClient on the classpath.

Let's look at some code. This example does two different things (concurrently):

  • Initializes a new project using the HTTP API that powers the Spring Initializr
  • It retrieves all of the active open-source Spring projects using the Spring API
package bootiful.httpclient.webclient;

import lombok.ToString;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.context.event.ApplicationReadyEvent;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.core.io.buffer.DataBuffer;
import org.springframework.core.io.buffer.DataBufferUtils;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.EnableAsync;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

import java.net.URI;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.CREATE;

public class BootifulApplication {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(BootifulApplication.class, args);

	WebClient webClient(WebClient.Builder builder) {
		return builder//
						(clientRequest, exchangeFunction) -> exchangeFunction//
								.doOnNext(response -> System.out.println("got a WebClient response: " + response))//
				) //

	ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent> ready(@Value("file://${user.home}/Desktop/output.zip") Path output,
			WebClient client) {

		return event -> {

			// initialize a new Spring Boot project .zip archive
			Mono<DataBuffer> db = client.get()//

			// gets written out to ~/output.zip
			Mono<Boolean> write = DataBufferUtils.write(db, output, CREATE).thenReturn(true);

			// enumerate all the active Spring projects using the
			// JSON API while we're at it...
			Mono<ProjectsResponse> json = client//

			// look ma! No threading code! this will launch both network
			// calls (the .zip and the json) at the same time
			Mono.zip(write, json).subscribe(tuple -> enumerate(tuple.getT2()));

	private void enumerate(ProjectsResponse pr) {
		pr._embedded //
				.projects //
						.stream() //
						.filter(p -> p.status.equalsIgnoreCase("active")) //
						.forEach(project -> System.out.println(project.toString()));


class ProjectsResponse {

	public Embedded _embedded = new Embedded();

	public static class Project {

		public String name, slug, status, repositoryUrl;


	public static class Embedded {

		public Collection<Project> projects = new ArrayList<>();



If you want to bring in the WebClient, but _ don't_ want to use the rest of the reactive web stack, then you'll need to tell Spring Boot. Spring Boot will attempt to standup a Netty-based Spring Webflux environment, otherwise. You'll need the following configuration in your application.properties.


Did you like this gem at a glance approach? Did you learn anything? As always, I'm keen on hearing from you, so please sound off on Twitter (@starbuxman) ! I'll be back with another installment of YMNNALFT, so be sure not to miss that.

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