What's new in Spring Boot 2.4

Engineering | Phil Webb | January 17, 2021 | ...

Speaker: Phil Webb (@phillip_webb)

Sorry for the small font! You might want to watch this at a computer in full screen.


Use the timecodes below if you want to jump to a specific part of the presentation:


  • 00:27 - Creating a Demo App


  • 07:24 - Version Number Changes
  • 08:29 - JUnit Vintage Engine
  • 09:07 - Legacy Config Data Mode
  • 10:48 - Logback Property Changes and Property Migrator

New Features

  • 13:51 - Java 15 and Startup Logging
  • 15:03 - Constructor Binding @ConfigurationProperties Updates
  • 18:11 - ApplicationStartup Metrics (Flight Recorder and JSON)
  • 24:49 - Changes to Application properties/yaml
  • 30:46 - Using 'spring.config.import'
  • 34:46 - Importing Files Without an Extension
  • 35:28 - Origin Chains
  • 38:34 - Config Tree Support (Kubernetes Volume Mounted Secrets)
  • 40:51 - Supporting Custom Config Data Import Types
  • 42:57 - Docker and Buildpack Updates
  • 46:09 - Publishing to a Private Docker Registry

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